JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 5/1-5/3/09:


Well-known member
If we were to go
To heaven, then we would have had.
No way, no how to go to heaven.
Because we were lost and sinners.
And that we deserved to
Carry our own crosses and die.
The painful, grueling, and humiliating
Deaths that Jesus and the two crooks,
On each side of His. Had to endure.
But Jesus came and took care of that!


Well-known member
Jesus was the King
Unlike any other kings that we
Would experience during.
Any and all lifetimes.
And that He came to save us.
But He kept His word and promised
That through eternal life.
And accepted Him as Savior & Lord.
Plus, He is yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


Well-known member
We are to be the
Light of the world. Just like
Jesus was, and is, and always
Will be the light. As He is
The light that will shine.
And will shine through us.
For all mankind and for all
Eternity as well. As we accepted
Him as Savior & Lord and repented.
Of our sins. We need to also,
Show others His light and life!