JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 1/15-1/17/2010:


Well-known member
Shouldn't we look at the problems
Where we need not to overlook.
Caused God is pointing us
To overlooked problems.
As they become more important
Then the problems we think.
That are important aren't really not?


Well-known member
Have you ever had to
Make a tough choice?
Where you had to
Do something that you know
Was right but instead.
Choosed either not to
Do it or wanted to leave it.
To someone else to do that?


Well-known member
That is what happened with
Jonah and the big whale?
Remember he didn't want
To go to the Ninevahs as
They seemed to not want to repent?
Jonah thought that those people
Were as sinful? Well, Jonah was
Being stubborn with God!