JPPT1974's Wed Thoughts 10/22/08:


Well-known member
Our words are like fire.
Ever heard of the sticks and stones thing.
Where stones break your bones.
But names will never hurt you?!
Well, our words could hurt not just
Mentally but emotionally.
God calls us to only use word.
That help and heal.
Not cause pain like gossip.


Eclectic Theosophist

Truly,....our words can inspire life or death, which is why we will be judged by the words we speak, according to Jesus. Our words are meant to serve Life, inspire, heal, empower, edify and help to orchestrate the Will of God in our lives and in others lives, for such is Love's Will. Those who speak harm, demeaning others, do not know love, but are still bound by the need to attack, they not being made whole in love or even knowing the Spirit of Christ. God help them.
