JPPT1974 Thurs Thoughts 4/23/09:


Well-known member
God wants us to
Be strong when things get tough.
Not to relying on things. As things
Are only there, and here for a short while.
But that He wants us to remember
He is there for all eternity.
He never changes, even though
Situations and time do.
He is the same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow my friends.


Well-known member
JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 4/24-4/26/09:

Don't you just
Wished that we lived, in such.
A perfect world and that we.
Lived in where, there is no
Pain, no hurt, no murders.
No scandals, no tears, nobody
Being mean or ugly at one another.
Or trying to do their best.
To get ahead, in the game of life.
From a job to school.
That would be awesome.
But sadly, that will never, ever happen!


Well-known member
You know, that is impossible to live in a world.
That we wished that was perfect.
But could never, ever bet that way.
For when Adam and Eve sinned.
That prevented us from, ever
Living such a perfect life.
Jesus was being sent, our way.
On the other hand. Because
If we lived in a perfect world.
God wouldn't had been sending
Jesus our way, you know.