JonBenet Ramsey Case


[JonBenet Ramsey's brother threatens to sue CBS over documentary by Lisa Respers France :CRASH: Crescent News Network (Savage)] "Burke Ramsey, the older brother of JonBenet Ramsey, is threatening to sue CBS over a documentary that concludes he probably killed the child beauty queen.

In "The Case Of: JonBenet Ramsey," a group of investigators re-examined the case and determined that Burke, who was 9 at the time, probably killed his 6-year-old sister by accident in a fit of anger and that their parents covered it up.

Burke Ramsey's lawyer, L. Lin Wood, said CBS used "lies, misrepresentations, distortions and omissions with very few grains of truth" to falsely accuse Burke in the documentary, which aired Sunday and Monday..." Full text: JonBenet Ramsey's brother threatens to sue CBS over documentary Gen. 9:6

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
There have been a bunch of shows these last few weeks. Even that buffoon Dr Phil has figured it out. To recap things other than the what was at the crime scene....

Boulder P.D. demonstrated a consistent pattern of feeding the media half truths, outright lies, and innuendos. The first of these was their assertion that there was snow all over the ground, yet there were no footprints in the snow. Therefore, there were no intruders. In fact, all the paved walkways circling the house were completely free of snow.

They also let it leak to the press that they were going to do an intensive examination of all Ramsey personal computers in an effort to locate pornography. There was no pornography found of any kind, yet dark suspicion had been planted in the public’s mind.

Steve Thomas, lead detective for Boulder P.D. then released a bomb telling the press that the prosecution’s theory was that JonBenet had once again wet her bed, gone upstairs to waken her mother, and in a fit of rage born from holiday pressure and exhaustion, Patsy had struck her child in the head and accidentally killed her. In some mindless panic, the mother then scribbled a ransom note, fashioned the garrote from one of her paint brushes, staged the strangulation and for extra good measure, jabbed her daughter in her privates so as to implicate a male perpetrator.

Apparently, Patsy had failed to consider that her dead daughter’s corpse left in the basement would completely negate the three page ransom note that she had just so craftily penned. Her deviousness, it would seem, only went so far. The coldhearted snake of a mother didn’t have the sense to load her dead child into the trunk of her car and head for a forest.

If you are familiar with some police investigative techniques, they will lie about evidence to the suspect they think is guilty to see how they react. They fold quickly under pressure. When guilty anyway. That was some of their thinking with the made up things Boulder PD leaked that just weren't true.


[JonBenet Ramsey's brother threatens to sue CBS over documentary by Lisa Respers France :CRASH: Crescent News Network (Savage)] "Burke Ramsey, the older brother of JonBenet Ramsey, is threatening to sue CBS over a documentary that concludes he probably killed the child beauty queen.

In "The Case Of: JonBenet Ramsey," a group of investigators re-examined the case and determined that Burke, who was 9 at the time, probably killed his 6-year-old sister by accident in a fit of anger and that their parents covered it up.

Always be suspicious of people who lawyer up immediately, especially rich people like the Ramsey's who did so when the police began their investigation.

There is talk that the brother killed his little sister in a fit of rage because she stole a piece of pineapple from him.

As seen in the autopsy report on page 7, a small piece of pineapple was found in Jon Benet's stomach when the coroner did an internal autopsy.