Johnson & Johnson Ups Cancer Risk 44%

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Johnson & Johnson Ups Cancer Risk 44%

This is the show from Tuesday May 10th, 2011.


* Johnson & Johnson Warned of 44% Increased Risk: At Johnson & Johnson's April 28, 2011 annual shareholder meeting, a co-author of a 2006 Mayo Clinic Proceedings report, testified of their published meta-analysis, that, "After reviewing all of the world's data, we found that... if women took oral contraceptives prior to the birth of their first child, which is when most women take them [that these] women incurred a 44% increased risk" of breast cancer and "that the World Health Organization had recently classified oral contraceptives as a Group 1 carcinogen - the most dangerous type known to humankind." Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, who is also a medical adviser for the ABC Coalition, presented a resolution to cease all hormonal contraceptive sales. And Kahlenborn testified further that the Frontiers of Medicine in China quoted this Mayo Clinic article and added their own meta-analysis which "found that women who took oral contraceptives sustained a 112% increased risk in developing breast cancer." The shareholders followed the corporation's board in voting down Dr. Kahlenborn's resolution, to which American RTL vice president Jefferson George said that, "Johnson & Johnson's denial and greed is comparable to that of the tobacco industry." For this story Bob Enyart interviewed Karen Malec, president of the ABC Coalition, and Karen gave an of hard-hearted bias against providing women the truth by quoting Leslie Bernstein, a University of Southern California scientist, whose ideological bias against childbearing and her disregard for women's health were revealed when she said, "There are so many other messages we can give women about lifestyle modification and the impact of lifestyle and risk that I would never be a proponent of going around and telling them that, that you know, having babies is the way to reduce your risk." For more, please see

Today’s Resource: Now you can order Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy.Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists revealing a presentation given to Focus on the Family to Dr. James Dobson's V.P. Tom Minnery and their Public Policy group. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. And now, Focus 3 presents American RTL's three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important videos online or order the above DVDs, and consider getting a set for a friend, for a pro-life leader or activist you know, and for your local pro-life organization!
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