Joe the Rapist, Holder of the Nuclear Codes

We were all afraid it would be accidental.

But no it looks like it's going to be deliberate.

Hah. I just saw this before I saw your post.

It IS frightening that The Potato-in-Chief has the codes.

However, I am not totally on board with Tulsi's analysis. She uses the hyperbole of politicians wanting to start a complete nuclear war and that is not fair. That is the Democrat in her peeking out

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I wonder what the average service member thinks about the prospect of fighting in Ukraine. How inept does the military leadership (including the commander-in-chief) have to be before the rank-and-file revolts? Remember we have a more intelligent military today then we had in Vietnam with the draft.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Always remember Obama's assessment of Joe Biden, after having worked shoulder to shoulder with him for eight long years.

Never underestimate Joe's ability to f(oul) things up

And 82 million US citizens have given him the power to f(oul)up our economy, our nation, our way of life, the very existence of life on this planet.

When the mushroom clouds start sprouting I hope somebody somewhere has the presence of mind to grab Greta by the throat and shake her like a rag doll, before they are both incinerated. And I hope they do it on a live stream.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Stumbling bumbling mumbling senile Joe the Rapist. The guy with the nuclear codes.
