Trump Gurl
Credo in Unum Deum
As a passionate resident of District 29, she is out to become a public servant to improve and make a difference in her community. She aligns with the Republican Party because of the biblical principles that make up the core of her platform. District 29, is seventy seven percent Hispanic and her mission is to be a voice for the people and represent their interests in Washington. She aims to be an example to her community and inspire them to find their purpose and dreams. She has worked helping the community with English classes, fighting high property taxes through the non-profit organization "Leaderes de la Comunidad", in which Jaimy serves as a donor and director. Additionally, she teaches real estate investment, and credit repair. She has worked tirelessly to empower and prepare the next generation.
This is great. I haven't heard a single thing about it on the news.
As a passionate resident of District 29, she is out to become a public servant to improve and make a difference in her community. She aligns with the Republican Party because of the biblical principles that make up the core of her platform. District 29, is seventy seven percent Hispanic and her mission is to be a voice for the people and represent their interests in Washington. She aims to be an example to her community and inspire them to find their purpose and dreams. She has worked helping the community with English classes, fighting high property taxes through the non-profit organization "Leaderes de la Comunidad", in which Jaimy serves as a donor and director. Additionally, she teaches real estate investment, and credit repair. She has worked tirelessly to empower and prepare the next generation.
This is great. I haven't heard a single thing about it on the news.