How do you do it little shackles?It is one of the most time effective work out.
I burn 260 calories in 20 minutes.
Above all, it is safe on knees and back.
How do you do it little shackles?
You're rightI guess you don't go to the gym, hah pj?
You ought to get some exercise instead of sit in front of computer all day long..
It is one of the most time effective work out.
I burn 260 calories in 20 minutes.
Above all, it is safe on knees and back.
I've got an extension ladder set up twenty feet high in my shop and I climb it like twenty times in a row.
It makes a difference!
You must be super fit.
Me too
No, I'm not super fit.
I have to keep at it though.
At my age, if you don't use lose it.