It's not just the state that intrudes: It's corporations


New member
This is a Catholic piece; I'm not Catholic, but I agree with it's premise and it can be applied to all social conservative values:

Corporate America: A Friend of the Family?


When Nobility bowed before the religious


Since the post-World War II era, movement conservatives have focused so much on an intrusive state that they have overlooked the other side of the coin. Early twentieth-century Catholic thinkers such as G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc clearly recognized the danger to mediating institutions such as the church and the family posed by the intrusions of both the state and vast impersonal corporations. The great Papal social encyclicals (especially those penned by Leo XIII and Pius XI) have also highlighted these twin threats. Perhaps this latest installment of the culture wars will prompt social conservatives to correct their myopic vision and find more suitable allies in defense of the traditional family.