It's a Girl = 37 Million Dead


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It's a Girl = 37 Million Dead

This is the show from Monday, March 19th 2012.


* Tim Tebow Update: From, "John Elway and the Broncos front office decided out with the new and in with the old. Best wishes to Peyton Manning, but assuming Tim Tebow is released, our sports viewing will follow Tim. And kudos to competing Denver radio host Dan Caplis for..." Also, Denver radio host offers $500 for two Tebow game tickets for any NFL team outside of...

* Debate Update: Bob has posted in Round Four of his debate with popular atheist AronRa on the British website, League of Reason.

* Huffington Post Denver Edition - New Debate Forum: Opposing pro-pot Colorado attorney Robert Corry, Bob Enyart was invited to answer the question: Should Marijuana Be Legalized For Recreational Use? With more than 1,000 comments so far, the aggressively anti-Bible, liberal HuffPo readership has ranked itself as 97% pro-legalizing recreational pot, with the following readers' comment from Emily Brown being typical:

“they should get someone who isn't a pastor to argue against it. because hearing about how smoking pot is going "lead me away" from God just automatically makes me want to vomit. God has nothing to do with me getting high. and if anything, i find myself closer to any God that does exist when I am stoned!”

While we're not sure where Emily got her "lead me away" excerpt from, we believe that to be true, and ask for folks to pray for Emily! -The KGOV Staff

* Reggie Littlejohn on BEL: Bob Enyart and personhood activist Jo Scott interview the president of Women's Rights Without Frontiers, Reggie Littlejohn. In many parts of the world,. especially in Asia, women suffer forced abortions, forced sterilization and sexual slavery. Littlejohn points out that the most deadly words in the world are, "It's a girl," because when an ultrasound reveals that the baby is a girl then, in countries like China and India where boys are greatly preferred, the baby girl is killed. Reggie says this is "Gendercide." There are 37 million more young men that there are young women in China.

* Colorado House Votes for Fetal Protection: The Colorado House passed HB12-1130 which allows prosecutors to criminally charge a person who causes death or injury of an unborn child during the commission of a crime.

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