Islams strikes again, this time murdering two NYC cops

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Perhaps you read the story. He is a muslim. And of course he is a racially motived bigot. He shot two officers because they were not black.

The media is avoiding the story.

The Muslim NYPD cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley worked for a Muslim Brotherhood front group, according to his Facebook page. has confirmed and exclusively discovered that Brinsley went by another name — Ismaaiyl Abdullah-Muhammad — and that he worked for the Islamic Society of North America.​

No surprise here.


New member
Perhaps you read the story. He is a muslim. And of course he is a racially motived bigot. He shot two officers because they were not black.

The media is avoiding the story.

The Muslim NYPD cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley worked for a Muslim Brotherhood front group, according to his Facebook page. has confirmed and exclusively discovered that Brinsley went by another name — Ismaaiyl Abdullah-Muhammad — and that he worked for the Islamic Society of North America.​

No surprise here.

all religions that came after Christ's True Religion (and defy It egregiously) are false. And the Muslim "faith" is probably the best example of this truth.

2nd to the Muslim "faith" being the worst is any religion that says we can do whatever we want after accepting Christ and still go to Heaven... YIKES! :doh:

Jesus said that Whatever you do (fail to do) for the least of his brethren, you fail to do for HIm, and then he say that those who fail in that way end up in ETERNAL punishment, not just an unpleasant, temporary slap on the wrist, but ETERNAL punishment.

So much 4 doing no good works


Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
all religions that came after Christ's True Religion

And you wonder why you are mocked. You are controlled by demons. They are trying to get you to derail the thread and you don't even know it.

Islam will only go away when they are defeated.


Well-known member
Islam will only go away when they are defeated.

And this is how.


The news story said the guys seen in this shot are...were...ISIS.

After the war, the North Vietnamese said they were this close to quitting when the Democrat Congress stabbed us in the back and defunded the war. The reds said the most demoralizing thing the U.S. did was high altitude bombing and BLU-82 daisy cutting. I had a USN Commander, still p.o.'d, who was in Nam tell us the same thing years before I heard it verified elsewhere.

It works every time...assuming we've got the guts to do it for as long, and anywhere, it takes.


New member
Perhaps you read the story. He is a muslim. And of course he is a racially motived bigot. He shot two officers because they were not black.

The media is avoiding the story.

The Muslim NYPD cop killer Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley worked for a Muslim Brotherhood front group, according to his Facebook page. has confirmed and exclusively discovered that Brinsley went by another name — Ismaaiyl Abdullah-Muhammad — and that he worked for the Islamic Society of North America.​

No surprise here.

They guy killed himself which also makes him a Muslim killer. I figured that would make him a hero in your book.


New member
Perhaps you read the story.

OBAMA is a muslim.

He had to become a part-time Christian in order to get Elected.


all religions that came after Christ's True Religion (and defy It egregiously) are false. And the Muslim "faith" is probably the best example of this truth.

2nd to the Muslim "faith" being the worst is any religion that says we can do whatever we want after accepting Christ and still go to Heaven... YIKES! :doh:

Jesus said that Whatever you do (fail to do) for the least of his brethren, you fail to do for HIm, and then he say that those who fail in that way end up in ETERNAL punishment, not just an unpleasant, temporary slap on the wrist, but ETERNAL punishment.

So much 4 doing no good works
Perhaps you read the story.

OBAMA is a muslim.

He had to become a part-time Christian in order to get Elected.

He had to commit fellatio with rich people to get elected.

There. Fixed that for ya.

The Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40)

34 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together.

35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Islams strikes again, this time murdering two NYC cops

Those who make these kind of comments and/or create a climate of hate to be directed towards our Moslem "neighors," would bring dishonor on themselves and totally contradict the teachings of the religion they claim to follow.
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Mark SeaSigh


He had to commit fellatio with rich people to get elected.

There. Fixed that for ya.

That means that Obama is a Hypocrite to the True Definition of the term, Correct?


Like by the Definition of Hypocrite;
Someone that Says One Thing, and then Does or Says Another.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
A hypocrite was an actor. They were pretending to be something they are not. More so than saying one and doing another. That is why the Lord Jesus Christ called them hypocrites.