ISIS using PASSPORT Machines to Infiltrate the USA


New member

Now, American authorities are warning that the terror group’s followers may have infiltrated American borders after all, despite Obama repetitive assurance that ISIS has been contained. The 17-page Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Intelligence Report says ISIS likely has been able to print legitimate-looking Syrian passports since taking over the city of Deir ez-Zour last summer.

Deir ez-Zour
is home to a passport office with “boxes of blank passports” and a passport printing machine. Another passport office was located in Raqqa, Syria, which has long been ISIS’s de facto capital. Both cities fell to Daesh (IS, ISIS, ISIL) since more than 17 months ago, prompting the concerns that ISIS terrorists have long travelled to the U.S., waiting for instructions to strike.

Fake Syrian passports have already been discovered in Europe, most notably two used by suicide bombers in the terrorist attack on Paris last month. The two men are believed to have slipped into Europe with a flood of Syrian refugees fleeing the violence in their homeland. Fake Syrian passports can be obtained in Syria for US$200 to US$400 a pop.

Recently, a Syria-based journalist for news magazine Nieuwe Revu, has managed to obtain a forged Syrian passport and ID card with a photograph of Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte on it. Harald Doornbos paid some €750 (US$820, £540, RM3,500) for the passport, which he was able to pick up from the forgers within 40 hours.

Mr Harald was told that he would be able to enter Cyprus with the passport, which was in the name of Malek Ramadan. The experiment proves that if a journalist is able to buy a good quality forged Syrian passport featuring a photograph of Netherlands prime minister, ISIS jihadists can get it too to enter EU or U.S. unnoticed and commit terrorist attacks.

The HSI report’s last page contains a warning – “If ISIS ability to produce passports is not controlled, their operations will continue to increase and expand outside of their operational controlled areas.” So, is Barack Obama the biggest Muslim-American evil who opens the floodgates to ISIS, and the issue has gotten so serious that FBI Director James Comey addressed the fake passport issue publicly for the first time?



New member
Taking hostages, beheadings and blowing up tourists is one thing but faking passports, why that's just despicable, are there no depths to which ISIS will not sink? :rolleyes:


New member
Taking hostages, beheadings and blowing up tourists is one thing but faking passports, why that's just despicable, are there no depths to which ISIS will not sink? :rolleyes:

Are you an actual mental case?

You think fake passports used by terrorists is a source for humour?

Two passports were used by two of the terrorists who murdered 150 people in Paris.

Does that make you chuckle over their teenage hijinx?


New member
Are you an actual mental case?

You think fake passports used by terrorists is a source for humour?

Two passports were used by two of the terrorists who murdered 150 people in Paris.

Does that make you chuckle over their teenage hijinx?
If you think that faked passports are up there with murdering innocent people then I really don't think that I'm the mental case here Naz.


Well-known member
And this somehow has something to do with our fear of refugees? It shouldn't. Refugees coming to America generally spend 2 to 3 years in a squalid refugee camp and then are given a less than 1% chance of being picked by the UNHCR to go to the country of their choice. They have a better chance of getting picked to go to a Muslim country like Pakistan and Turkey which take in way more refugees than any other country. What ISIS infiltrator is going to go through all that when it's a hell of a lot easier to get here on a student visa like the Saudis involved in 9/11?


ISIS using PASSPORT Machines to Infiltrate the USA

Aren't most are coming to the US to replenish their supplies of weapons and ammunition - American gun laws are so accommodating for those interested in starting their own terrorist group!


Well-known member
BTW, the ISIS playbook is to hope that Western nations close their doors to the refugees so they can use that for propaganda.


New member
BTW, the ISIS playbook is to hope that Western nations close their doors to the refugees so they can use that for propaganda.

You know so much about the ISIS agenda it makes one wonder if you're part of it.

And if Muslims are so mistreated and hate it here so much, why should "propaganda" that they can't come here work? They don't seem to need any more propaganda.