This is the show from Thursday, December 1st, 2022
* The Prophet Isaiah: Thus saith the Lord. From the first chapter to the last, through this ministry in Judah, God’s voice is heard loud and clear. Not surprisingly, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah confronts the church and the political leaders of our day as forcefully as he did 2,700 years ago the ancient nation of Israel. Bob Enyart’s verse-by-verse study of the life’s work of this great prophet reveals the heart of God. As we turn the pages through the book we learn without any doubt of the LORD’s priorities. In this high-quality presentation of these studies, you will hear the question asked: Are God’s priorities those of today’s religious leaders? Are they yours? So join us as the fascinating chapters fly by from the virgin birth prophecy in Isaiah 7 to the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 and from the Lord’s First Advent to His Second Coming.
Available on audio or video.
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