ECT Is Warning about Socialism a Necessity in Our Communication to the World?


Well-known member
I think it was Dr. Schaeffer who quoted Luther on necessary communication:

"If we fail to speak about the one area which the devil is attacking at the moment, then it does not matter if we say all the other things about the Gospel if we fail on that."

While some pastors spend too much time trying to be subversive to our society in their message, I'm concerned about the ones that never are. It seems to me that when most millenials poll that they think socialist policy is better than the free market, we must be addressing that in more of our communication. Cuba and Venezuela are being held forth as models to these people.


New member
Until delivered from the coarse of this world by the gospel of the grace of God, together with one's resting in the Word of God that worketh effectually in those that believe; I would expect those that know not God to work out, be conformed unto, manifest, or walk in the coarse of said darkness.

Wick Stick

Well-known member
All of the fundamental concepts of the market, labor, and property are imperfect. Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism all fail/excel in one situation or the other. The best system is one in which none of the above holds sway to the exclusion of all others.


New member
All of the fundamental concepts of the market, labor, and property are imperfect. Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism all fail/excel in one situation or the other. The best system is one in which none of the above holds sway to the exclusion of all others.

Yep - eclecticism or a hybrid of the best of each...

Nevertheless; there is ever the problem of fallen man...


Well-known member
Until delivered from the coarse of this world by the gospel of the grace of God, together with one's resting in the Word of God that worketh effectually in those that believe; I would expect those that know not God to work out, be conformed unto, manifest, or walk in the coarse of said darkness.

I like the play on the word 'coarse.'


Well-known member
All of the fundamental concepts of the market, labor, and property are imperfect. Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism all fail/excel in one situation or the other. The best system is one in which none of the above holds sway to the exclusion of all others.

This is true without the renewing energy of Christian beliefs. The founders never thought the minimal government would work without that source of virtue.

That's what makes the Confuser-in-Chief Obama's 'more than the usual left vs right' issue statement such a disaster; that he thinks we are self-governing, or an experiment in self-governing that is supposed to work without its original source of virtue.

My OP is referring to the effort of the Left to make policy, freedom, rights, etc., grounded in government because of its basis of atheism and materialism, which is worshiped for the reason that they alone are 'scientific.' Thus the sitting president has declared that the Constitution is fundamentally flawed.


New member
I think it was Dr. Schaeffer who quoted Luther on necessary communication:

"If we fail to speak about the one area which the devil is attacking at the moment, then it does not matter if we say all the other things about the Gospel if we fail on that."

While some pastors spend too much time trying to be subversive to our society in their message, I'm concerned about the ones that never are. It seems to me that when most millenials poll that they think socialist policy is better than the free market, we must be addressing that in more of our communication. Cuba and Venezuela are being held forth as models to these people.

With respect - your comment is coming from a completely bankrupt, anti-Christ Bircher Dominionist mindset that you have been exposed to. Not surprising since these lies is endemic in the evangelical community and the ignorant have been deceived what is really an angel of light.

First - "the free market" is NOT part of the Kingdom of God - the Kingdom of God has NO macro economic structure that it advocates (if anything there was most initially a communist style economy but that rapidly disappeared after the initial hoop-la ended). So to somehow drag the magnificent name of the Lord Jesus into the beloved idol of the "free market" - well - that would be something like blasphemy and idolatry mixed together - I am sorry to say.


New member
Thus the sitting president has declared that the Constitution is fundamentally flawed.

Not sure which Satanic right-wing deceiver you got the above comment from - it is a complete lie. If you consider yourself a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and a citizen of the Kingdom of God - I hope that you will cleanse your mind from it with a good washing with truth from the Word of God.
