Is Trump Guilty, or Does He Just Look Guilty?

The Barbarian

When absorbing news about the Mueller investigation, I can't help thinking of Saddam Hussein. No, I'm not equating our president with the late Iraqi dictator. I'm thinking more about our assumptions regarding Saddam's guilt. In the run-up to the Iraq War, the whole world was asking whether Saddam had a secret program for weapons of mass destruction.
But as we later learned, it was mostly a bluff. During interrogations in 2004, Saddam told the FBI that he had encouraged the world to believe he had WMDs so as to deter Iran. This isn't to say that Saddam's strategy was smart -- he invited a U.S. invasion that could have been avoided if he had come clean -- but it was a strategy. He was acting guilty for a reason other than being guilty.
He acts guilty in so many ways. He lacked the judgment to keep his distance from dodgy characters such as Manafort, Page, and Roger Stone. But recalling Saddam, I'm open to the idea -- not convinced, but open -- that he isn't as guilty as he seems.

Mona Charon

He might just be stupid, not guilty. We'll have to wait to find out.



Is Trump Guilty, or Does He Just Look Guilty?

The Trump strategy is to discredit those assigned to conduct the investigation
- starting with firing the FBI Director
- undermining the public's confidence in the FBI
- forcing Assistant FBI Director Gates to resign
- the "discredited" Nunes Memo
- attacking Assistant DOJ Attorney General Rob Rosenstein
- labelling the Mueller Investigation as a "witch hunt"
- ignoring the advice of all 17 of the nation's intelligence agencies concerning Russian attempt to influence the 2016 Election
- questioning the FISA courts
- attempting to silence the Democratic response to the Nunes Memo
- demanding that the Attorney General use the Justice Department as an extension of the White House to prosecute the President's political enemies
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Hall of Fame
He might just be stupid, not guilty. We'll have to wait to find out.

I am going to go with guilt ... and stupid. We know he is guilty from his statements, reactions and all of the *coincidental* evidence that has been gathered up by those who are his associates. Still no sanctions against Russia ... no outcry or acknowledgment that they intervened in the election (on HIS behalf) and nothing being to done insofar as securing our elections. There is a reason for this: he NEEDS to make sure that Russia is capable of intervening in the upcoming elections, as well as in 2020 (IF he is still in office).

The stupidity comes with allowing his ego to provide so much damaging information to Mueller ... and the majority of Americans.

The Barbarian

If he is stupid and built a multi-billion dollar empire

Actually, if he had just invested Daddy's money in a good fund, he'd be richer than he is today:

Donald Trump Would Be Richer If He'd Have Invested in Index Funds
Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

The S&P 500 has grown 1,336% since 1988.

Other billionaires’ net worths have beaten the stock market’s growth in that time. Bill Gates, for example, saw his increase 7,173%, to $80 billion, since 1988. Warren Buffett’s wealth grew 2,612% in the same time period, to $67.8 billion.

and became president then how much more stupid must you be.

Trump's primary skill was being born into a rich family. Actually, over the past 44 years, I did better than Trump with my money. Just saying.


New member
Actually, if he had just invested Daddy's money in a good fund, he'd be richer than he is today:

Donald Trump Would Be Richer If He'd Have Invested in Index Funds
Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

The S&P 500 has grown 1,336% since 1988.

Other billionaires’ net worths have beaten the stock market’s growth in that time. Bill Gates, for example, saw his increase 7,173%, to $80 billion, since 1988. Warren Buffett’s wealth grew 2,612% in the same time period, to $67.8 billion.

Trump's primary skill was being born into a rich family. Actually, over the past 44 years, I did better than Trump with my money. Just saying.


He himself has all but wiped himself out financially several times over the years.

Few of his supporters, if any, actually understand the actual dynamics behind his well known fraud of an image of a successful business person.



New member
Actually, if he had just invested Daddy's money in a good fund, he'd be richer than he is today:

Donald Trump Would Be Richer If He'd Have Invested in Index Funds
Donald Trump’s net worth has grown about 300% to an estimated $4 billion since 1987, according to a report by the Associated Press. But the real estate mogul would have made even more money if he had just invested in index funds. The AP says that, if Trump had invested in an index fund in 1988, his net worth would be as much as $13 billion.

The S&P 500 has grown 1,336% since 1988.

Other billionaires’ net worths have beaten the stock market’s growth in that time. Bill Gates, for example, saw his increase 7,173%, to $80 billion, since 1988. Warren Buffett’s wealth grew 2,612% in the same time period, to $67.8 billion.

Trump's primary skill was being born into a rich family. Actually, over the past 44 years, I did better than Trump with my money. Just saying.

Ever notice how some of the most intellectually deficient are in real estate?

All it requires is buying a property and then waiting for one or another of the various market forces that eventually drive up value to do their thing...

One meets some of the dumbest people in business in that industry.

No small wonder then, that Trump has massively failed in just about every other business he has corrupted his way into.

"Buy real estate...and then wait."

There is no genius in that.

For as Mark Twain noted "they ain't makin more land..."


If he is stupid and built a multi-billion dollar empire and became president then how much more stupid must you be.

Hmmm, I didnt have a Daddy who left me millions. I have never assaulted a woman. I have been married to the same woman for 49 years. I read alot. I don't have any gold faucets in my home yet, I am still happy with my life.
Donny goes beyond stupid to arrogantly ignorant.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Considering there are very few "Far-left zealots" on TOL, I see why you have an extremely small following on your threads, Barb. And, that's a true blessing. It means your "Propaganda" is limited to the extreme.

The Barbarian

Hmmm, I didnt have a Daddy who left me millions. I have never assaulted a woman. I have been married to the same woman for 49 years. I read alot. I don't have any gold faucets in my home yet, I am still happy with my life.
Donny goes beyond stupid to arrogantly ignorant.

But there are a lot of people like Grosnik who think that sexual assault, serial adultery, grotesque displays of wealth and never having to work for your money are laudable characteristics.


New member
Considering there are very few "Far-left zealots" on TOL, I see why you have an extremely small following on your threads, Barb. And, that's a true blessing. It means your "Propaganda" is limited to the extreme.

Barb, you could learn a thing or two from the Commander n Thief about fudging the numbers of your followers.

Who knows, Gross Nick being an individual focused on such carnal things of this world, you would then impress him.

Its not like the average Trump supporter properly vets a thing.


New member
If he is stupid and built a multi-billion dollar empire and became president then how much more stupid must you be.

I didn't vote for him - I had known better for years before he even ran for President.

In contrast, your kind rationalized away things like the following. You're worst than dummies; you knowingly rationalized the following and much more like it.

By the way, TOLers, note Don the Con's infamous closing of his eyes a bit longer than merely blinking, each time he lies.

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