Well-known member
Hi to all and 2 Cor 2:15 reads , We are to God a SWEET FRAGRANCE of Christ among the ones being saved and among the ones being lost !!

#1 , WE ARE / ESMEN is in the Greek , PRESENT TENSE , which points to the DISPENSATION of the Grace of God and is not pointing to the OT , or the New Covenant or to any other religion !!

#2 The PRESENT TENSE means we are to God , ALWAYS a sweet fragrance !!

#3, And always a sweet fragrance among those that ones being Lost !!

In Eph 5:2 does address another part of the PRESENT TENSE that effects all believers !!

#4 , To give this SWEET FRAGRANCE we regulate your lives in Love as just as Christ delivered Himself up for us , and offering and a sacrifice to God , for an AROMA of a SWEET FRAGRANCE !!

#5 This means to talk and walk the WALK to be a SWEET FRAGRANCE or your AROMA will stink and that means we do not ATTRACT the lost among us and definitely NEVER attract those who have heard OR never know about dispensationalim by CALLING them names !!

So the one who has called many scamers , agnostics , idiots , you are up to prove THEEEEE GREEKKKKKKKK IS WRONG !!

dan p
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New member
Stand your ground DP - until time in Scripture leads you to be fully persuaded in your mind otherwise.

Rom. 14: 5; Acts 17:11, 12 - in memory of Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.


Well-known member
Stand your ground DP - until time in Scripture leads you to be fully persuaded in your mind otherwise.

Rom. 14: 5; Acts 17:11, 12 - in memory of Rom. 5: 6-8 - in each our stead.

Hi and I am not much to calling people names as theologically , we are to used the word as written in Eph 3:9

and he can not help himself , and I sleep good at night , but he sleeps knowing , I slapped them good today , like he is an AUTOCRATIC and gets a THRILL ON BLUE BERRY HILL and he gets a HIGH !!


dan p


New member
Hi and I am not much to calling people names as theologically , we are to used the word as written in Eph 3:9

and he can not help himself , and I sleep good at night , but he sleeps knowing , I slapped them good today , like he is an AUTOCRATIC and gets a THRILL ON BLUE BERRY HILL and he gets a HIGH !!


dan p

Dan, part of my point is that when attacked by such, and or in so vile a manner, it is best to let it go - quickly- not dwell on nor harp on it - repeatedly, as that does one no good.

How? Simply by...

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God" Jeb. 12:2.

In other words, Rom. 5: 6-8.


Well-known member
Hi and I am not much to calling people names as theologically , we are to used the word as written in Eph 3:9

and he can not help himself , and I sleep good at night , but he sleeps knowing , I slapped them good today , like he is an AUTOCRATIC and gets a THRILL ON BLUE BERRY HILL and he gets a HIGH !!


dan p

And yet....the Lord has used that very one to get my attention away from Act 2....opening my eyes to the importance of Acts. (Wherever the MID point is). I've found I learn new things all the time from various posters here. It's that body ministry I was speaking of earlier.


Well-known member
Dan, part of my point is that when attacked by such, and or in so vile a manner, it is best to let it go - quickly- not dwell on nor harp on it - repeatedly, as that does one no good.

How? Simply by...

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God" Jeb. 12:2.

In other words, Rom. 5: 6-8.

Hi Danoh , and you know what H e said , that he will not let it go , and he will come back soon , I believe as he just needs a little more time !!

dan p


Well-known member
And yet....the Lord has used that very one to get my attention away from Act 2....opening my eyes to the importance of Acts. (Wherever the MID point is). I've found I learn new things all the time from various posters here. It's that body ministry I was speaking of earlier.

Hi and I was on another site yesterday , and One poster had an OP that I had not heard or written down and am thinking and doing research on !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and I was on another site yesterday , and One poster had an OP that I had not heard or written down and am thinking and doing research on !!

dan p

Well, I hope you share it here. I enjoy your posts a lot. I think I'm even starting to understand your postings on baptism. I agree with your points, but I certainly wouldn't be able to explain it yet.


Well-known member
Hi Danoh , and you know what H e said , that he will not let it go , and he will come back soon , I believe as he just needs a little more time !!

dan p

I think he made his point. Danoh made a couple of good points, too, even though Danoh drives me up the wall. You guys could drive a person crazy if we let the squabbling get the better of us. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Well, I hope you share it here. I enjoy your posts a lot. I think I'm even starting to understand your postings on baptism. I agree with your points, but I certainly wouldn't be able to explain it yet.

Hi and I have the best reference book available and Danoh claims to know him , Robert C Brock and he has written books you will be hard to read , on EPHESIANS , ACTS , HEBREWS , and ONE on Paul's epistles that will blow your mind !!

I believe they are still available on line , and he new Greek and I use to call and talk to him at least 3 to 4 times a month , but died last year !!

I really miss him as I could run questions by him !!

dan p


Well-known member
Hi and I have the best reference book available and Danoh claims to know him , Robert C Brock and he has written books you will be hard to read , on EPHESIANS , ACTS , HEBREWS , and ONE on Paul's epistles that will blow your mind !!

I believe they are still available on line , and he new Greek and I use to call and talk to him at least 3 to 4 times a month , but died last year !!

I really miss him as I could run questions by him !!

dan p

Unfortunately, I don't do very well reading books, and can't really get them online. But, I am interested in hearing what you guys glean from them.


New member
Unfortunately, I don't do very well reading books, and can't really get them online. But, I am interested in hearing what you guys glean from them.

You lost me - there are all sorts of books on the internet, in pdf form, easily downloadable to one's computer and or smartphone

Many of them free, or very, very inexpensive.

Rom. 5:6-8.


Well-known member
You lost me - there are all sorts of books on the internet, in pdf form, easily downloadable to one's computer and or smartphone

Many of them free, or very, very inexpensive.

Rom. 5:6-8.

I'm sure there are, Danoh, but I don't know how to download stuff on my computer, and I have no smartphone.

Anything else you'd like to correct me on before I sign off? :chew:

Ask Mr. Religion

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Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I'm sure there are, Danoh, but I don't know how to download stuff on my computer, and I have no smartphone.

Anything else you'd like to correct me on before I sign off? :chew:

Have not found anything by the fellow mentioned above that is online for free.

But, in general, here is a way to download electronic books in PDF form:

1. Go here:

2. Click Download box bottom left

3. Dialog opens.

4. Select location on your computer

5. Now save the file at that location

6. Go to that location

7. Double-click the file just saved and begin reading.



New member
I'm sure there are, Danoh, but I don't know how to download stuff on my computer, and I have no smartphone.

Anything else you'd like to correct me on before I sign off? :chew:

Was merely sharing that info with you.

You did ask for sharing what each of us has gleaned.


Rom. 5: 6-8.


New member
Have not found anything by the fellow mentioned above that is online for free.

But, in general, here is a way to download electronic books in PDF form:

1. Go here:

2. Click Download box bottom left

3. Dialog opens.

4. Select location on your computer

5. Now save the file at that location

6. Go to that location

7. Double-click the file just saved and begin reading.


There are all sorts of books now in public domain, owned by no one, that are thus now free.

And there are others freely given by many an author.

Including various authors of one shade or another within Mid-Acts.

Including the late great, E. W. Bullinger's writings (including his earlier writings, which were Mid-Acts).

Some of these people have set up providing both the selling of, and the free distribution of, their writings.

The purchase supporting the "freebies."

Not every Christian group is out to make a buck beyond paying for expenses so they can continue their ministry.

Jordan's assembly is like that. Though they sell many books and recordings, they will give them free of charge to anyone who cannot afford them.

And their Pastor's multi-year training is free.

Such groups simply believe in "the work of the ministry" above the need to make a profit on the Lord.

And there are some other Mid-Acts groups like that.

And some Baptist groups like that.

And Reformed.

And so on...

As for your great points on downloading, I'd add the caveat to be sure one first has good virus protection software in place.

Like Mawarebytes, or Avast, or SpyBot - each of which are offered free by their originators.

In fact, anyone on a forum should have such programs in place.

Good post - your points apply to most downloading.

Rom. 5: 6-8.


New member
Hi to all and 2 Cor 2:15 reads , We are to God a SWEET FRAGRANCE of Christ among the ones being saved and among the ones being lost !!

#1 , WE ARE / ESMEN is in the Greek , PRESENT TENSE , which points to the DISPENSATION of the Grace of God and is not pointing to the OT , or the New Covenant or to any other religion !!

#2 The PRESENT TENSE means we are to God , ALWAYS a sweet fragrance !!

#3, And always a sweet fragrance among those that ones being Lost !!

In Eph 5:2 does address another part of the PRESENT TENSE that effects all believers !!

#4 , To give this SWEET FRAGRANCE we regulate your lives in Love as just as Christ delivered Himself up for us , and offering and a sacrifice to God , for an AROMA of a SWEET FRAGRANCE !!

#5 This means to talk and walk the WALK to be a SWEET FRAGRANCE or your AROMA will stink and that means we do not ATTRACT the lost among us and definitely NEVER attract those who have heard OR never know about dispensationalim by CALLING them names !!

So the one who has called many scamers , agnostics , idiots , you are up to prove THEEEEE GREEKKKKKKKK IS WRONG !!

dan p

You have taken verse 15 as a stand alone verse to prop up some twisted doctrine you have. Verse 15 without verse 16 does not convey truth the whole truth.


Well-known member
Have not found anything by the fellow mentioned above that is online for free.

But, in general, here is a way to download electronic books in PDF form:

1. Go here:

2. Click Download box bottom left

3. Dialog opens.

4. Select location on your computer

5. Now save the file at that location

6. Go to that location

7. Double-click the file just saved and begin reading.


And here I thought you knew me better than that. :chuckle: