Is Protestantism the anti-Christ? I wonder

well, let's see, since the break with Rome in the 16th century (Luther's rebellion), look at all the horrible things that have happened in this world

and now that the Crusaders are not around (meaning the Catholic ones, as in yesteryear) the radical Muslims are taking over, chopping people's heads off (and that's when the victims are lucky) and claiming land for their "caliphate" while the un-Catholic president does little to stop them and even acts a Muslim himself!

If he had been raised Catholic, as i was, maybe... just maybe

You can say what u want about Catholics but they are taught to respect life. They are not murderers. Heck, they even believe in the right to live of... zygotes



I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I am going to ask you not a post in bold fonts. I have asked you this before. Nothing wrong with making new accounts since you are not a trouble maker, not don't post in big bold fonts. It's not necessary.

Please do not post in ALL CAPS or in all bolded text.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
well, let's see, since the break with Rome in the 16th century (Luther's rebellion), look at all the horrible things that have happened in this world

and now that the Crusaders are not around (meaning the Catholic ones, as in yesteryear) the radical Muslims are taking over, chopping people's heads off (and that's when the victims are lucky) and claiming land for their "caliphate" while the un-Catholic president does little to stop them and even acts a Muslim himself!

If he had been raised Catholic, as i was, maybe... just maybe

You can say what u want about Catholics but they are taught to respect life. They are not murderers. Heck, they even believe in the right to live of... zygotes


The enemy is always within. Jesus said, "Beware of men". Especially religious men.
the devil was supposed to have harrassed some pope, and the pope heard him say that God was giving him the 20th century, which as we can see, turned out to be the bloodiest in history


New member
well, let's see, since the break with Rome in the 16th century (Luther's rebellion), look at all the horrible things that have happened in this world

and now that the Crusaders are not around (meaning the Catholic ones, as in yesteryear) the radical Muslims are taking over, chopping people's heads off (and that's when the victims are lucky) and claiming land for their "caliphate" while the un-Catholic president does little to stop them and even acts a Muslim himself!

If he had been raised Catholic, as i was, maybe... just maybe

You can say what u want about Catholics but they are taught to respect life. They are not murderers. Heck, they even believe in the right to live of... zygotes


Maybe what? Who inaugurated the Spanish Inquisition? How many years did that go on, and how many people were tortured and killed? Never mind the Holocaust, where thousands of Jews marched right under the Vatican windows to their deaths in the camps, and more than 11 million people were murdered without the Church saying anything. Respect life??? The pope doesn't even come out strongly against abortion. He doesn't want to face that issue. I'm sure Catholics continue to get abortions and the Church looks the other way. Yet they say "don't use contraceptives"! There isn't even any Biblical support for that rule.


New member
Yet they say "don't use contraceptives"! There isn't even any Biblical support for that rule.

Of course there is. Which is why contraceptives were forbidden by all the churches until the past 85 years.

Just to add: I think it's much more likely that Mohammed is the antichrist.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
well, let's see, since the break with Rome in the 16th century (Luther's rebellion), look at all the horrible things that have happened in this world

You have made some dumb posts in your years here and this is one of the worst. And considering your other posts, that is saying something. Well done.