ECT Is not our marriage relationship with Jesus more aspirational than affirmational?

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I ask because Paul says this to the church:

"My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you" . . . Galatians 4:19 (KJV)

BTW, this coincides with Rev 12:2-5 KJV.

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New member
Is not initmacy in Christ and with the Father a process by which we are aspire to being completed within us; that we might begin to make our abode in Romans 8?

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New member
If we believe our 'relationship' to Jesus is made complete when we are born again, i.e., "affirmed". Then why must such a "relationship" with Him be "worked out in fear and trembling"? (cfPhp2:12-14 KJV)


Well-known member
If we believe our 'relationship' to Jesus is made complete when we are born again, i.e., "affirmed". Then why must such a "relationship" with Him be "worked out in fear and trembling"? (cfPhp2:12-14 KJV)

There is no idea in the NT that after we are justified, life is a beach, and we relax. Instead we live a life of gratitude and honor for what he has done.

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New member
There is no idea in the NT that after we are justified, life is a beach, and we relax. Instead we live a life of gratitude and honor for what he has done.

But why has He done it, you never mention. If you understood why you would better understand why "life isn't a beach to relax upon".


Well-known member
If we believe our 'relationship' to Jesus is made complete when we are born again, i.e., "affirmed". Then why must such a "relationship" with Him be "worked out in fear and trembling"? (cfPhp2:12-14 KJV)

Hi and it is obvious what Phil 2:12 is talking about !!

#1 , You are not WORKING in salvation !!

#2 , You are WORKING / KATEGAZOMAI out what has been given to all who believers , salvation !!

#3 , This working OUT , can only happen during the AGE of Grace , ONLY , as it is in the DISPENSATION of Grace !!

#4 , So what do you work out , Do not grieve the Holy Spirit !

obey what the Apostle of Grace has given us concerning the Mystery hidden before the worlds were made Col 1:25-27 and to follow Paul as recorded in 1 Cor 11:1 , just to mention a few !!

dan p