Is Calvinism Wrong?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I thought that I’d step in, and reiterate:

1. “Good” Calvinists don't preach the Gospel.

Why? Because in order to win someone, you must persuade them. (I Cor. 9 KJV ; Acts. 26; 2I Cor. 5 KJV; And persuading clearly implies that a decision can be made. Any “good,” “elect,” Calvinist knows that people don't make decisions; The LORD God makes all the decisions.

Calvinists such as Spurgeon are akin to Muslims who live peacefully with members of the boc; both are traitorous to their own ranks and beliefs.

Like it or not, Calvinists are the sodomites of Christendom. Since they lack the ability to reproduce, they are forced to recruit.

Thank God the Father, through the great Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit isn't a Calvinist.

2.Those that rightly divide the word of truth, per 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV(A command, not suggestion) understand "election," as pertaining to service, and separate eternal security from "predestination."

Breaking it down-"It's not that complicated"(The great Mayor of TOL, STP):

In order for a Calvinist to "believe" he was predestined, he/she must believe he/she is saved. With me so far, sheep being conned by the Calvinists?

In order to believe he/she is "saved," he must be convinced that his/her "life style" meets the standard(just like the nutcase "charismatics"). Still with me?

When his/her life style falls below a certain standard, say, he/she relapses on booze, on hookers/pimps, pot, or stops going to his/her "the" church, he/she loses that "feeling."

You know the feeling. "I know I'm saved, because my life style tells me so..."

Since I have fallen into the pit/ditch, I must not be saved. Since I am not saved, I must not be "predestinated," to get saved. I thought I was saved, but, it turns out, I was never saved. I was deceived into believing I was saved, when in fact.....

This is the Calvinist "logic." This is their material, not mine.

No, you can't get assurance, if you are looking at your behavior as a barometer of how "saved" you are. This is what Calvinists do, despite any spin to the contrary. And most "Christians" do this, and therefore, most cannot get assurance of salvation.

That is their "good news."

Yes, Calvinists believe in the "doctrine" of OSAS-but they believe that they were saved before they were born. But "assurance of salvation", confidence, that comes from within, is not "eternal security." .Many "churches" hold to the doctrine of "salvation." Does that mean that their church members are saved? Nope. Professing to believe a "doctrine" is one thing. But having an inner confidence, based on "assurance," is something else. I "believe" in eternal security. But I also have assurance of salvation. And nobody has that, unless they believe Eph. 2:8-9 KJV, and Titus 3:5 KJV, as well as John 17:17 KJV, Psalms 12, 19, 119, 1 Peter 1:25 KJV....

Very few "Christians" fall into this category. Most would know that, had you asked them, instead of logging into the Calvinist sites, and losing your mind.


New member
I thought that I’d step in, and reiterate:

1. “Good” Calvinists don't preach the Gospel.

Why? Because in order to win someone, you must persuade them. (I Cor. 9 KJV ; Acts. 26; 2I Cor. 5 KJV; And persuading clearly implies that a decision can be made. Any “good,” “elect,” Calvinist knows that people don't make decisions; The LORD God makes all the decisions.

Calvinists such as Spurgeon are akin to Muslims who live peacefully with members of the boc; both are traitorous to their own ranks and beliefs.

Like it or not, Calvinists are the sodomites of Christendom. Since they lack the ability to reproduce, they are forced to recruit.

Thank God the Father, through the great Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, that the Holy Spirit isn't a Calvinist.

2.Those that rightly divide the word of truth, per 2 Timothy 2:15, KJV(A command, not suggestion) understand "election," as pertaining to service, and separate eternal security from "predestination."

Breaking it down-"It's not that complicated"(The great Mayor of TOL, STP):

In order for a Calvinist to "believe" he was predestined, he/she must believe he/she is saved. With me so far, sheep being conned by the Calvinists?

In order to believe he/she is "saved," he must be convinced that his/her "life style" meets the standard(just like the nutcase "charismatics"). Still with me?

When his/her life style falls below a certain standard, say, he/she relapses on booze, on hookers/pimps, pot, or stops going to his/her "the" church, he/she loses that "feeling."

You know the feeling. "I know I'm saved, because my life style tells me so..."

Since I have fallen into the pit/ditch, I must not be saved. Since I am not saved, I must not be "predestinated," to get saved. I thought I was saved, but, it turns out, I was never saved. I was deceived into believing I was saved, when in fact.....

This is the Calvinist "logic." This is their material, not mine.

No, you can't get assurance, if you are looking at your behavior as a barometer of how "saved" you are. This is what Calvinists do, despite any spin to the contrary. And most "Christians" do this, and therefore, most cannot get assurance of salvation.

That is their "good news."

Yes, Calvinists believe in the "doctrine" of OSAS-but they believe that they were saved before they were born. But "assurance of salvation", confidence, that comes from within, is not "eternal security." .Many "churches" hold to the doctrine of "salvation." Does that mean that their church members are saved? Nope. Professing to believe a "doctrine" is one thing. But having an inner confidence, based on "assurance," is something else. I "believe" in eternal security. But I also have assurance of salvation. And nobody has that, unless they believe Eph. 2:8-9 KJV, and Titus 3:5 KJV, as well as John 17:17 KJV, Psalms 12, 19, 119, 1 Peter 1:25 KJV....

Very few "Christians" fall into this category. Most would know that, had you asked them, instead of logging into the Calvinist sites, and losing your mind.
LOL, you are clueless about Reformed faith.


New member
That's your best shot? Weighty. Take your seat, and next time, serve up a more challenging cliche. Please?

Next up?:That's just your opinion!!!

Thanks for checkin' in, Clavinist/Calvinist drone, deceiver.
LOL, such a Godly spirit you display. Peace be with you.


I don't see it.

G4100 - pisteuō πιστεύω
  • to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in
    • of the thing believed
      • to credit, have confidence
    • in a moral or religious reference
      • used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul
      • to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith
      • mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith
  • to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity
    • to be intrusted with a thing

I don't see it.

G4100 - pisteuō πιστεύω
1 Verb Strong's Number: g4100 Greek: pisteuo
Belief, Believe, Believers:

"to believe," also "to be persuaded of," and hence, "to place confidence in, to trust," signifies, in this sense of the word, reliance upon, not mere credence. It is most frequent in the writings of the Apostle John, especially the Gospel. He does not use the noun (see below). For the Lord's first use of the verb, see Jhn 1:50. Of the writers of the Gospels, Matthew uses the verb ten times, Mark ten, Luke nine, John ninety-nine. In Act 5:14 the present participle of the verb is translated "believers."

5 Verb Strong's Number: g4100 Greek: pisteuo
Commit, Commission:

signifies "to entrust, commit to," Luk 16:11; 1Ti 1:11, "committed to (my) trust."

1 Strong's Number: g4100 Greek: pisteuo

"to believe," also means "to entrust," and in the Active Voice is translated "to commit," in Luk 16:11; Jhn 2:24; in the Passive Voice, "to be intrusted with," Rom 3:2, RV, "they were intrusted with" (AV, "unto them were committed"), of Israel and the oracles of God; 1Cr 9:17, RV, "I have... intrusted to me" (AV, "is committed unto me"), of Paul and the stewardship of the Gospel; so Gal 2:7; Tts 1:3; in 1Th 2:4, where he associates with himself his fellow missionaries, RV, "to be intrusted with" (AV, "to be put in trust with").

102 Verb Strong's Number: g4100 Greek: pisteuo
Trust (Noun and Verb):

"to entrust," or, in the Passive Voice, "to be entrusted with," is rendered "to commit to one's trust," in Luk 16:11; 1Ti 1:11; "to be put in trust with," 1Th 2:4, AV (RV, "to be intrusted").
Note: Wherever elpizo, "to hope," is translated "to trust" in the AV, the RV substitutes "to hope." So proelpizo, "to hope before."

It is according to both Strong's and Vine's.

Yes, you are substituting your own mistranslated word for the word chosen by the translators that actually understood the Greek they were translating.

You don't see it ? Lol , I guess your not meant to . Every word I've posted had come straight out of the New Strongs expanded edition and the Vines expository dictionary , unabridged edition . No need to trust Google , i have them both in front of me .

I'll await your apology .


Well-known member
You don't see it ? Lol , I guess your not meant to . Every word I've posted had come straight out of the New Strongs expanded edition and the Vines expository dictionary , unabridged edition . No need to trust Google , i have them both in front of me .

I'll await your apology .

So, in other words, you're reading between the line. It's not exactly written as you stated.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
LOL, such a Godly spirit you display. Peace be with you.

That's it? A "LOL?" This is not a teen dating site, rummy. This site is for men/women. Can you dig it?
such a Godly spirit you display.

1.Thanks, but lost drones, such as yourself, do not have the authority, to weigh in, judge, members of the boc, such as myself. Poor you.

2. And confirmed, with his/her "such a Godly spirit you display," assessment, as Calvinists determine who the alleged "elect to salvation" ones are, by what they "display," as others'/their lifestyles tell them if they are saved, or not, one of the "elect." Calvinism is just "warmed over" Catholicism, Mormonism, i.e., "works based" "salvation."

Get saved, "non elect" one, and stuff your Pharisee "such a Godly spirit you display" self righteous musing, as I display nothing but disdain, for wolves, such as yourself, who are trying to "spiritually" rape/fleece the sheep/babes, with their satanic Calvinism. I do not like wolves, saint John I am.....And only insane people would "display" being "nice" to wolves. I shoot wolves, on TOL.


So, in other words, you're reading between the line. It's not exactly written as you stated.

Word for word . Exactly . The same as if I were holding the book in front of your face .

Strongs : "pisteuo means not just to believe ."
Vines: pisteuo means ," a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender ."

Quotations means quoted word for word from the text .

Can I clear it up anymore for you .

Maybe you just don't want to do that ?


New member
That's it? A "LOL?" This is not a teen dating site, rummy. This site is for men/women. Can you dig it?

1.Thanks, but lost drones, such as yourself, do not have the authority, to weigh in, judge, members of the boc, such as myself. Poor you.

2. And confirmed, with his/her "such a Godly spirit you display," assessment, as Calvinists determine who the alleged "elect to salvation" ones are, by what they "display," as others'/their lifestyles tell them if they are saved, or not, one of the "elect." Calvinism is just "warmed over" Catholicism, Mormonism, i.e., "works based" "salvation."

Get saved, "non elect" one, and stuff your Pharisee "such a Godly spirit you display" self righteous musing, as I display nothing but disdain, for wolves, such as yourself, who are trying to "spiritually" rape/fleece the sheep/babes, with their satanic Calvinism.
Meh, keep speaking. You show your true character.


Well-known member
Word for word . Exactly . The same as if I were holding the book in front of your face .

Strongs : "pisteuo means not just to believe ."
Vines: pisteuo means ," a personal surrender to Him and a life inspired by such surrender ."

Quotations means quoted word for word from the text .

Can I clear it up anymore for you .

Maybe you just don't want to do that ?

I've looked it up myself, and posted what I found. Genuine Original has done the same.

What I haven't seen is you copy and pasting your evidence. Please do that so we can put this to rest.


Well-known member
I have also looked it up, there is nothing there. Faither is so determined to prove his point I bet that he will fake something.

I understand his point, but I've yet to see it written the way he says. The closest I saw was an "intellectual" belief, which we know doesn't mean the same as believing in one's heart or being fully persuaded with complete faith. I can believe my neighborhood is safe, but that doesn't mean I'd trust my child to walk to the store and back.


I've looked it up myself, and posted what I found. Genuine Original has done the same.

What I haven't seen is you copy and pasting your evidence. Please do that so we can put this to rest.

I guess I don't have to ask you guys how you did in school. I've given you the editions I referenced , God will sort out the rest .


Well-known member
I guess I don't have to ask you guys how you did in school. I've given you the editions I referenced , God will sort out the rest .

Why aren't you willing to put up a copy and paste of the edition? You "referenced" some edition that we can't find. Is it some special edition? I don't know of anything that can't be accessed on the internet unless it's from some book we would have to buy. Did you buy a book that has this? Are we supposed to accept your word for it? I'd love to see it for myself.


Why aren't you willing to put up a copy and paste of the edition? You "referenced" some edition that we can't find. Is it some special edition? I don't know of anything that can't be accessed on the internet unless it's from some book we would have to buy. Did you buy a book that has this? Are we supposed to accept your word for it? I'd love to see it for myself.

New Strongs expanded and Vines unabridged editions . I bought the Strongs new about 10 years ago . The Vines is quite a bit older , don't recall where I acquired it .

The New Strongs is also where you will! Find Akoe , " hearing " in Rom. 10:17 reference ( compare to a courtroom hearing .)

So the three of you think I'm making up 3 definitions , not just 2 .

I use a tablet to converse here with you and the others . I'm not sure I can copy and paste on it , if it can I haven't learned how yet . I really don't think it would matter , your just think this is a game .

Ask Mr. Religion

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I've looked it up myself, and posted what I found. Genuine Original has done the same.

What I haven't seen is you copy and pasting your evidence. Please do that so we can put this to rest.

All Vines contain 6,000 words for the NT.

The unabridged version:

I don't know why someone needs to spend the $7 plus shipping, unless one is making an argument from obscurity or rarity, which is not the way to approach things. As previously stated, dictionaries are not lexicons.
