Trump Gurl
Credo in Unum Deum
Iran Has Plan To Harm Trump’s Re-Election Chances – OpEd
The Iranians know that, whichever Democratic Party candidate comes to the White House, they will likely go back to the nuclear treaty. Though an incumbent president has a higher chance of getting re-elected, two factors can override this advantage: One being a bad economy and the other being a foreign policy blunder. The Iranians want to make sure that Trump has both disadvantages in his re-election campaign. President George H. W. Bush, though he won the 1990-91 Gulf War — after which he had an approval rating of 89 percent— lost to Bill Clinton due to a bad economy. Nevertheless, the spoils of the first Iraq war reflected in a boom that benefited Bush’s successor. The other case is Jimmy Carter, with the hostage crisis in the wake of the Iranian Revolution making him a one-term president. In fact, the Iranians have already told Trump that they will ensure he suffers the same fate as Carter.
I accidentally found this. Never heard of it. But it shows there is lots of stuff going on that we are not paying attention to.
The Iranians know that, whichever Democratic Party candidate comes to the White House, they will likely go back to the nuclear treaty. Though an incumbent president has a higher chance of getting re-elected, two factors can override this advantage: One being a bad economy and the other being a foreign policy blunder. The Iranians want to make sure that Trump has both disadvantages in his re-election campaign. President George H. W. Bush, though he won the 1990-91 Gulf War — after which he had an approval rating of 89 percent— lost to Bill Clinton due to a bad economy. Nevertheless, the spoils of the first Iraq war reflected in a boom that benefited Bush’s successor. The other case is Jimmy Carter, with the hostage crisis in the wake of the Iranian Revolution making him a one-term president. In fact, the Iranians have already told Trump that they will ensure he suffers the same fate as Carter.
I accidentally found this. Never heard of it. But it shows there is lots of stuff going on that we are not paying attention to.