The premier baby-murdering abortionist organiozation Planned Parenthood has no business teaching kids how to practice safe sex the way God prescribed.
Planned Parenthood does about 40 percent of all abortions in the United States and about 95 percent in Iowa, according to the Iowa Attorney General. Pro-life advocates and former employees of the abortion chain have warned that Planned Parenthood uses its sex education programs to encourage risky sexual behavior and sell abortions.
The judges agreed that the state may act on these concerns and prohibit Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups from receiving state sex education funding.
“The state could also be concerned that using abortion providers to deliver sex education programs to teenage students would create relationships between the abortion provider and the students the state does not wish to foster in light of its policy preference for childbirth over abortion,” they wrote.
Iowa Assistant Attorney General Thomas Ogden said parents do not like the idea of an abortion advocacy group teaching their children.
Court Rules Iowa legislature Can Defund Planned Parenthood Abortion Business -
Iowans won a victory in court Wednesday when the state Supreme Court decided that taxpayers do not have to fund Planned Parenthood’s controversial sex education programs. The Des Moines Register reports the Iowa Supreme Court ruled 6-1 in favor of the 2019 law, arguing that the state has...
The judges agreed that the state may act on these concerns and prohibit Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups from receiving state sex education funding.
“The state could also be concerned that using abortion providers to deliver sex education programs to teenage students would create relationships between the abortion provider and the students the state does not wish to foster in light of its policy preference for childbirth over abortion,” they wrote.
Iowa Assistant Attorney General Thomas Ogden said parents do not like the idea of an abortion advocacy group teaching their children.