


People like you absolutely disgust me. Then again you are under law, under wrath and under curse. Your condition is proven by your ignorance and mocking attitude to anything holy.


Ask me any question in reference to my opinion to God and Salvation and I will give you the answer of my personal belief.

Test me and you will find I am In Sweet Jesus, and the only Law I serve is the Royal law of Love.

I distinguish Moses from Jesus, and know the difference between Hagar and Sarah.

I know what Hebrews speaks of as two covenants and I only see Grace from our Anointed High priest.

Do I genuinely disgust you for having a sense of humor?

Ben Masada

New member
I distinguish Moses from Jesus, and know the difference between Hagar and Sarah.

Nameless, are you sure you know what you are talking about? Nevertheless, Jesus himself warned us all to listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31) As you can see, Jesus was not in tune with your distinction above between him and Moses versus Hagar and Sara.


Nameless, are you sure you know what you are talking about? Nevertheless, Jesus himself warned us all to listen to "Moses" aka the Law. (Luke 16:29-31) As you can see, Jesus was not in tune with your distinction above between him and Moses versus Hagar and Sara.

I understand.

From my Goy perspective, Jesus is God.

Thus God is greater than Moses.

Jesus called us to Love. He specifically commanded it.

Couple this with His revelation at the stoning of the Adulterous, and it is clear that Jesus Law of Love goes beyond Moses.

To stone ones neighbor as Moses commands, is a violation of Love.

Thus Mercy is greater than sacrifice.

If I wasn't Goy, I would not say this. I understand you carry both the Law and Mercy with you in your heart, and again, though our theologies are diametrically apposed because of my belief in who Jesus was,

I see peace in our common ground of a desire for Peace and Love amongst humanity in the name of Gods mercy.



People like you absolutely disgust me. Then again you are under law, under wrath and under curse. Your condition is proven by your ignorance and mocking attitude to anything holy.

In this light, I was saying, should I limit the inheritance to myself in light of investing Gods bestowed inheritance in a way that encourages many to share in this inheritance.

Do I still disgust you?

I was referring to Jesus parables about the good steward, and the error of the stewards that bury this inheritance for themselves alone.

Am I ignorant to you still?

I assumed that you were speaking of Jesus great work and the mystery that our faith, can yield great harvest.

I was speaking of the fact that we are declared sons and daughters by faith in He.

I was trying to goad you to encourage me to share this light of beauty in the glory of our inheritance.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
People like you absolutely disgust me. Then again you are under law, under wrath and under curse. Your condition is proven by your ignorance and mocking attitude to anything holy.

How soon the pool of love, joy unspeakable dried up


How soon the pool of love, joy unspeakable dried up

Charge me outright.

I have no hidden agenda, or believe that I am without fault.

If peace can be made, I will make it with whom ever feels me at fault.

I would gladly admit fault.

I believe I jumped on you for using the word deceiver.

I confess I used that on GT yesterday.

I submit my hypocrisy to you, and ask your forgiveness.

Ben Masada

New member
From my Goy perspective, Jesus is God.

I am very sorry to hear this Nameless. Is that all that you have brought from wandering far from home?

Thus God is greater than Moses.

That's absolutely true and I did not have to leave to become aware of it.

Jesus called us to Love. He specifically commanded it.

What about if it was true that he forbade his disciples to take the gospel of salvation to the Gentiles? Can you imagine how cruel would this lack of love be if it was true? Think not that this is from the top of my head. It is in Matthew 10:5,6. Do you believe this ever happened?

Couple this with His revelation at the stoning of the Adulterous, and it is clear that Jesus Law of Love goes beyond Moses.

Nameless, that stoning never happened. It was a parable. Numerous evidences point to the fact that the case would go against Jewish culture. If you want me to go about it with you, let me know it. It is a little too long.

To stone ones neighbor as Moses commands, is a violation of Love.

Almost 100% of the cases were reported as warrant to prevent the events from happening. To believe so fast that the Sanhedrin would effect a stoning would be akin to compare Israel with Isis of today.

Thus Mercy is greater than sacrifice.

Yes, not even worth comparison. That's why Prophet Jeremiah said that the Lord never commanded that sacrifices be part of the religion of Israel. (Jeremiah 7:22) Moses had to use of "Pichuach Nephesh" to add the sacrifices to make the Exodus easier to perform. Hence sacrifices became a man's ritual.

If I wasn't Goy, I would not say this. I understand you carry both the Law and Mercy with you in your heart, and again, though our theologies are diametrically apposed because of my belief in who Jesus was,I see peace in our common ground of a desire for Peace and Love amongst humanity in the name of Gods mercy.

Yes Nameless, and don't forget that it was as a result of God's mercy that He decided to give us the Law so that we could live in society. Imagine this world without law! We would be living in the law of the jungle. Life would be terrible to live even if we could live half the time we do today. Believe it or not; the Law goes parallel with love. (Psalm 119)



I am very sorry to hear this Nameless. Is that all that you have brought from wandering far from home?

To give a direct answer,

to see this one thing was the moment I knew that I was wondering yet forever at home in Jesus arms.

That's absolutely true and I did not have to leave to become aware of it.


What about if it was true that he forbade his disciples to take the gospel of salvation to the Gentiles? Can you imagine how cruel would this lack of love be if it was true? Think not that this is from the top of my head. It is in Matthew 10:5,6. Do you believe this ever happened?

Again, this was because Jesus ached that all Jews would recognize Him and see what He was doing.

The message was delivered to Gods people before it was delivered to the Gentiles. It could not go to the Gentiles until the death of the Stone covenant Groom passed away and nullified the marriage of the covenant and all of its commitments.

Matthew 23:37Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

Jesus’ Lamentation over Jerusalem
37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem! She who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her. How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks[a] under her wings, yet you were not willing!

Jeremiah 35:17
"Therefore thus says the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel, 'Behold, I am bringing on Judah and on all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the disaster that I have pronounced against them; because I spoke to them but they did not listen, and I have called them but they did not answer.'"

Nameless, that stoning never happened. It was a parable. Numerous evidences point to the fact that the case would go against Jewish culture. If you want me to go about it with you, let me know it. It is a little too long.

Either way, its implications are important.

It shows that there was a growing animosity to ensnare Jesus.

The first to follow Yeshewa were indeed Jews. Christian friends get confused when I call Jesus the Jewish God.

But the Jews in power sought to destroy His message, because they desired a conqueror instead of a Servant King with a message to all.

But again I promise you, that they were set up in heart to play a part that was impurities for Gentiles to see.

The were indeed on His mind when He said Father forgive them.

Almost 100% of the cases were reported as warrant to prevent the events from happening. To believe so fast that the Sanhedrin would effect a stoning would be akin to compare Israel with Isis of today.

unfortunately, though Isis and majority Islam are the King of the Anti Love spirit, all manors of religion have succumbed to it. Judaism, Christianity and all others. But only one deserves loathing, and it is killing many in its name as we speak.

I do believe the Spirit of Isis is Sean in the treatment of Jesus. Before Isis was, that Spirit was.

But, in no way do I connect the Jews of Mercy with such atrocities! Please forgive me if my words seem otherwise.

Yes, not even worth comparison. That's why Prophet Jeremiah said that the Lord never commanded that sacrifices be part of the religion of Israel. (Jeremiah 7:22) Moses had to use of "Pichuach Nephesh" to add the sacrifices to make the Exodus easier to perform. Hence sacrifices became a man's ritual.

Beautifully spoken

Yes Nameless, and don't forget that it was as a result of God's mercy that He decided to give us the Law so that we could live in society. Imagine this world without law! We would be living in the law of the jungle. Life would be terrible to live even if we could live half the time we do today. Believe it or not; the Law goes parallel with love. (Psalm 119)

And Amen to the Law of stone, coupled with Divine Mercy being the foundation of our freedom to be part of society, instead of enslaved by a dictatorship.

Prayers for all who are enslaved by tyranny at this very moment.

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Charge me outright.

I have no hidden agenda, or believe that I am without fault.

If peace can be made, I will make it with whom ever feels me at fault.

I would gladly admit fault.

I believe I jumped on you for using the word deceiver.

I confess I used that on GT yesterday.

I submit my hypocrisy to you, and ask your forgiveness.

My remark was aimed at Trustless, he trusts that he himself is in good stead with the Lord, but others who love the Lord he rubbishes.

I am perfectly at peace with you :) far as I know...


My remark was aimed at Trustless, he trusts that he himself is in good stead with the Lord, but others who love the Lord he rubbishes.

I am perfectly at peace with you :) far as I know...

Thank you... [emoji3][emoji106]

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."