Indictment Makes Trump’s Hoax Claim Harder to Sell

The Barbarian

WASHINGTON — He brushed it off as a hoax. He mused that it might be China, or a guy from New Jersey, or “somebody sitting on their bed who weighs 400 pounds.” He said President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia had assured him it wasn’t true. And, he added, “I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it.”

President Trump has never stopped belittling the charge that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential election. But on Friday, with the indictment of 13 Russians for orchestrating a vast, well-funded operation to interfere in the election, those denials collided with a mountain of evidence arrayed by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

For Mr. Trump, who has tried to discredit Mr. Mueller’s investigation as a politically motivated witch hunt, it was a direct assault on the version of reality that he has sought tirelessly to create.

By laying out a meticulous case for how Russia tried to tip the electoral scales toward Mr. Trump in 2016, Mr. Mueller has made it much harder for the president to dismiss the investigation as mere politics. He may also have made it harder for Mr. Trump to fire Mr. Mueller himself, since, as some Democratic lawmakers argued, that would look like an attempt to help Russia further undermine American democracy.

Before the charges were announced, the deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, briefed Mr. Trump and Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel, and handed over a copy of the indictment, according to a person briefed on the matter. Mr. Mueller was not present at the briefing.

On Friday afternoon, after Mr. Trump left Washington for his Palm Beach, Fla., estate, the White House issued a defiant statement

The Barbarian

Worries about Trump's legitimacy resurface with Russia indictment
The charges came to no conclusion about voter influence, but described extensive efforts to tip the election in his favor.

But for Trump, famously furious about the notion that a foreign adversary aided his political rise, the detailed revelation that Russia poured resources toward securing his win could prove an instigation too far. He has frequently railed against the Russia investigation, dismissing it as a “witch hunt” and “fake news.” And he has bristled at the notion that Russian interference assisted his upset win over Hillary Clinton, calling the notion a “phony Democrat excuse for losing.”

“He has always been concerned about the legitimacy of his election,” said Rick Tyler, a former communications director for Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid. “This is criminal activity that these indictments point to that helped Donald Trump get elected. … My guess is he will try to delegitimize it and dismiss it.”

Alberto Martinez, Sen. Marco Rubio’s chief of staff from 2013 to 2017, said: “The good news for the Trump campaign in today’s indictment is that there is still no smoking gun on collusion, and that at least in how it pertained to these indictments they were unwitting beneficiaries of Russia’s actions. The bad news is that, at some point, the effort which began as an operation to sow chaos in the entire process turned into an effort to help the Trump campaign. The challenge and opportunity for the Trump administration is to erase any doubt that Putin made a grave mistake in thinking a Trump presidency would somehow benefit Putin’s ambitions.”

Trump might very well decide to do that; it's a fact that no one has ever trusted Trump, who didn't live to regret it.

But Putin is a cautious guy. The money laundering section of the investigation suggests that Putin is aware of financial dealings that could give him some leverage on our president.

More to come...

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It appears BARB sees himself as a 'Crusader' out to bring down the President of the United States, single-handedly? I really doubt this "Tiny man" on TOL will make a smidgen of a difference. I highly doubt Anybody on TOL with a modicum of intelligence is actually paying any serious attention to his posts/threads. I don't bother to read the entirety of any of his posts. It's the same "Trump bashing" revisited over and over again.


New member
It'll be a few decades, I think, before some of the folks on TOL will recognize the totality of Trump's treason. Yesterday's indictments were a step on the road. We're not there yet, but we're closer.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
It'll be a few decades, I think, before some of the folks on TOL will recognize the totality of Trump's treason........
LOL! Please, by all means, hold your breath.

.......Yesterday's indictments were a step on the road.......
What road, the road to Fantasyland?

In over a year the great vaunted FBI, the greatest investigative force in the world, has found nothing, nada, zilch. Give up your hate-fueled fantasy.


New member
What road, the road to Fantasyland?

It's a federal investigation that has yielded, so far 3 defendants pleading out and cooperating, an additional 13 indictments against people and 3 companies. That you can call it a fantasy the whole way along is testament to your willful blindness.

In over a year the great vaunted FBI, the greatest investigative force in the world, has found nothing, nada, zilch. Give up your hate-fueled fantasy.

It's been remarkably quick compared to other high-level investigations. But Trump supporters and Trump himself have been impatient for it to wrap up since it started. It'll be done when Mueller says it's done.

The Barbarian

We've been on this road before. And it's going to take some time, but more indictments are coming, and more revelations.

And as usual, it looks like obstruction will be what trips the big guys up.