In Search of Eden - documentary

God's Truth

New member
I believe Eden is when humans, Adam and Eve were in Christ.

Jesus came and reconciles us back to God, to put us back in him.


New member
I believe Eden is when humans, Adam and Eve were in Christ.

Jesus came and reconciles us back to God, to put us back in him.

The site of the Garden was in present day Tabriz, Iran. The video is long, but worth it.

God's Truth

New member
The site of the Garden was in present day Tabriz, Iran. The video is long, but worth it.

The video is long.

I am not interested in watching it, but am interested in speaking about Eden and being reconciled to God.
I believe it is spiritual.

You weren't even interested in what I said, so why would I watch such a long video about what interests you?

I like to discuss with others and not just be lectured to.


Well-known member

I watched the whole thing, pretty good, imo. What I liked is not so much "proof" that what he found was necessarily the "real deal" but the evidence used to get to where he ended up. It corroborates well with the most ancient myths and legends and once again places the location of Ararat squarely on the "Biblical map" in its proper location. Moreover it makes sense that everything would start over in a new beginning, after the flood, in the same location, (the mountains of Ararat). Moreover it offers much support for why Ararat would indeed hold the same name for such a long period of time even to the present day, (strongly implying that the name comes from the original legend as far back as can be examined with what we have available today). Whether Eden was literal or legendary I think that is probably really close if not the place from where it all came, (or began), and it certainly appears to match up fair enough with the scripture.


New member
The video is long.

I am not interested in watching it, but am interested in speaking about Eden and being reconciled to God.
I believe it is spiritual.

You weren't even interested in what I said, so why would I watch such a long video about what interests you?

I like to discuss with others and not just be lectured to.

Sorry, but I follow the Biblical Text. Have you read Genesis?
BTW< it's my POST. I chose the SUBJECT.

God's Truth

New member
Sorry, but I follow the Biblical Text. Have you read Genesis?
BTW< it's my POST. I chose the SUBJECT.

Who said you don't get to chose the subject?

You want people to reply to your thread and when they do you don't give any care to what they say.

I am not going to watch a long video if you cannot even reply with a few words about what I said about the topic.

God's Truth

New member
I watched the whole thing, pretty good, imo. What I liked is not so much "proof" that what he found was necessarily the "real deal" but the evidence used to get to where he ended up. It corroborates well with the most ancient myths and legends and once again places the location of Ararat squarely on the "Biblical map" in its proper location. Moreover it makes sense that everything would start over in a new beginning, after the flood, in the same location, (the mountains of Ararat). Moreover it offers much support for why Ararat would indeed hold the same name for such a long period of time even to the present day, (strongly implying that the name comes from the original legend as far back as can be examined with what we have available today). Whether Eden was literal or legendary I think that is probably really close if not the place from where it all came, (or began), and it certainly appears to match up fair enough with the scripture.

The kingdom is within.


Well-known member
The kingdom is within.

I understand that and fully agree:


However Beameup already has a thread on that very topic and we already had a rather long debate therein, (perhaps he can post a link to it, if he wants, seeing it was quite a while back). Howbeit the typology and symbolism had to come from somewhere, and that is generally historical whether intended as literal or known to have been legendary in ancient times. If you will note, the Prophets speak from historical places and times, even though their words are Spirit and supernal-spiritual in meaning. So it does not mean the places, people, and situations from which they write, never existed or were not real. Look, for example, at Daniel: the book speaks of utterly supernal things in prophetic metaphors, symbolism, and even times and numbers, but does that mean Babylon was not a real place? or that Nebuchadnezzar never really existed? The things of below reveal the things of above if we know how to see what we see and how to hear what we hear. So other than the image file above I do not plan to go any further into this topic here because Beameup has already started a thread specifically, (by the title), for the very purpose of debating what you speak of, (and I am not blaming you, or saying you should have known, for it was a long time ago, but just giving you my reason for not entertaining that here). :)

God's Truth

New member
I understand that and fully agree:


However Beameup already has a thread on that very topic and we already had a rather long debate therein, (perhaps he can post a link to it, if he wants, seeing it was quite a while back). Howbeit the typology and symbolism had to come from somewhere, and that is generally historical whether intended as literal or known to have been legendary in ancient times. If you will note, the Prophets speak from historical places and times, even though their words are Spirit and supernal-spiritual in meaning. So it does not mean the places, people, and situations from which they write, never existed or were not real. Look, for example, at Daniel: the book speaks of utterly supernal things in prophetic metaphors, symbolism, and even times and numbers, but does that mean Babylon was not a real place? or that Nebuchadnezzar never really existed? The things of below reveal the things of above if we know how to see what we see and how to hear what we hear. So other than the image file above I do not plan to go any further into this topic here because Beameup has already started a thread specifically, (by the title), for the very purpose of debating what you speak of, (and I am not blaming you, or saying you should have known, for it was a long time ago, but just giving you my reason for not entertaining that here). :)

Okay, thanks for explaining. I definitely don't know every thread that has been made here; so I would like a link, if it isn't too much of a bother.

I understand what you are saying about Eden, and I think it is just the place where Adam and Eve were with Christ, and then without.

How can anyone without error prove the exact place on earth? I only want God's truth and not guesses; know what I mean?

Thanks again, daqq. Your review of the video sounds right on.


Well-known member
Okay, thanks for explaining. I definitely don't know every thread that has been made here; so I would like a link, if it isn't too much of a bother.

I understand what you are saying about Eden, and I think it is just the place where Adam and Eve were with Christ, and then without.

How can anyone without error prove the exact place on earth? I only want God's truth and not guesses; know what I mean?

Thanks again, daqq. Your review of the video sounds right on.

You are welcome, moreover, I thought the end of the video was striking: for the place where he ended up was the valley which he apparently believes to be the correct place, and yet, it was full of buildings, commerce, industry, houses and dwellings, and of course all of the pollution that man creates with those things, just as man always does to the creation of Elohim, (in the body-temple analogy). Sad, but a very fitting imagery.

God's Truth

New member
You are welcome, moreover, I thought the end of the video was striking: for the place where he ended up was the valley which he apparently believes to be the correct place, and yet, it was full of buildings, commerce, industry, houses and dwellings, and of course all of the pollution that man creates with those things, just as man always does to the creation of Elohim, (in the body-temple analogy). Sad, but a very fitting imagery.

Thanks for more information on this subject.

I am wondering though how Eden can be polluted when God protected it.

Genesis 3:24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.


Well-known member
Thanks for more information on this subject.

I am wondering though how Eden can be polluted when God protected it.

Genesis 3:24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

Can Jerusalem of above be polluted? (no, for there shall in no way enter into it anything unclean, or one who works abomination and a lie: but only they that are written in the book of life of the Lamb, Rev 21:27), but what about Jerusalem of below? can the city of below be polluted? Therefore Zion-Jerusalem of above and the daughter of Zion-Jerusalem of above, ("new Jersualem"), are also "protected". But this is going where I do not think the OP wanted to go, and since he has been courteous to me, (even though we have had our heated disagreements), I will leave it at this. For the same reason I did not post a link to his other thread and will leave that up to him if he so decides: for the other thread is quite old, and I know not whether he even wants it brought back up to the front page. On the other hand, if you wish, you can take my post with the image file, (or not), and start a new thread. :)