In Case the Rapture Doesn't Happen
This is the show from Friday May 20th, 2011.
*"I WISH tomorrow would be the rapture," Bob said today, "and that this would be our last show here on earth. But I think brother Harold Camping is going to get a sickening feeling in his gut tomorrow as the day wears on. Predicting the timing of the rapture, or of the Second Coming, is not a winning proposition because, best case, you're right, and even then nobody will care. But like the Apostles, I'm looking for the Lord to return, but I also am thankful for His wisdom, mercy and patience, because now my children have had the gift of life, and of salvation to eternal life, which they would not have had, in fact they wouldn't even exist, if Jesus had come back for us back in 1994, the first time that Harold Camping had predicted. So, thank you Lord for your mercy and longsuffering with mankind.
* Bob Enyart's Last Days Bible Studies: Have it your way! You can enjoy Bob's:
* Last Days Bible teaching on the End Times, or his
* Verse-by-verse studies on 1 Corinthians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians, both of which address rapture passages, or
* Bob's Bible Study on The Book of Revelation, or read the End Times chapter in Bob's life's work,
* The Plot. With any of these resources, you'll get the benefit of decades of Bible research!
* Leslie Hanks Needs Your Help to Prepare for Round Three! Colorado Right To Life has done tremendously difficult tremendous work in turning a huge ship that's been going full-steam ahead, that is, the pro-life industry, which had a strategy that only included supporting exceptions and regulations, and now, countless Christians and groups around the country have caught the vision and are advocating personhood and the God-given right to life of every child. Now, Leslie needs your help! CRTL needs your help! Please step forward. Please give financially to Colorado RTL. And if you're local, and you can, please offer to volunteer or even to help lead the next personhood campaign! Call CRTL at 303-753-9394 or go online and give at, or send an email to! Thank you so much! -Bob
Today's Resource: Enjoy Bob Enyart's Bible study on The Book of Esther! What wrong had Queen Vashti committed to justify her divorce? This study addresses the hard questions that arise when reading the fascinating book of Esther! God's enemies used the mighty King Ahasuerus almost as a pawn, and then he reversed himself and complied with the request of God's people. Did the LORD predestine these contradictory actions by the King? Did God cause hundreds of women to be sexually degraded, and did He put the Jews in great trouble just so that He could then be their hero and save them? Or were the ugly historic details of Esther the result of sinful men acting apart from God's will? Christians studying Esther can learn about how God prefers to influence the affairs of men and nations.
This is the show from Friday May 20th, 2011.
*"I WISH tomorrow would be the rapture," Bob said today, "and that this would be our last show here on earth. But I think brother Harold Camping is going to get a sickening feeling in his gut tomorrow as the day wears on. Predicting the timing of the rapture, or of the Second Coming, is not a winning proposition because, best case, you're right, and even then nobody will care. But like the Apostles, I'm looking for the Lord to return, but I also am thankful for His wisdom, mercy and patience, because now my children have had the gift of life, and of salvation to eternal life, which they would not have had, in fact they wouldn't even exist, if Jesus had come back for us back in 1994, the first time that Harold Camping had predicted. So, thank you Lord for your mercy and longsuffering with mankind.
* Bob Enyart's Last Days Bible Studies: Have it your way! You can enjoy Bob's:
* Last Days Bible teaching on the End Times, or his
* Verse-by-verse studies on 1 Corinthians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians, both of which address rapture passages, or
* Bob's Bible Study on The Book of Revelation, or read the End Times chapter in Bob's life's work,
* The Plot. With any of these resources, you'll get the benefit of decades of Bible research!
* Leslie Hanks Needs Your Help to Prepare for Round Three! Colorado Right To Life has done tremendously difficult tremendous work in turning a huge ship that's been going full-steam ahead, that is, the pro-life industry, which had a strategy that only included supporting exceptions and regulations, and now, countless Christians and groups around the country have caught the vision and are advocating personhood and the God-given right to life of every child. Now, Leslie needs your help! CRTL needs your help! Please step forward. Please give financially to Colorado RTL. And if you're local, and you can, please offer to volunteer or even to help lead the next personhood campaign! Call CRTL at 303-753-9394 or go online and give at, or send an email to! Thank you so much! -Bob
Today's Resource: Enjoy Bob Enyart's Bible study on The Book of Esther! What wrong had Queen Vashti committed to justify her divorce? This study addresses the hard questions that arise when reading the fascinating book of Esther! God's enemies used the mighty King Ahasuerus almost as a pawn, and then he reversed himself and complied with the request of God's people. Did the LORD predestine these contradictory actions by the King? Did God cause hundreds of women to be sexually degraded, and did He put the Jews in great trouble just so that He could then be their hero and save them? Or were the ugly historic details of Esther the result of sinful men acting apart from God's will? Christians studying Esther can learn about how God prefers to influence the affairs of men and nations.