Impeach Obama now!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Things are getting so bad. This guy is acting like a dictator! How much will we take?! Is freedom so worthless to you?

Impeach Obama now! | Templar of Truth
Relax. We're almost at the next cycle and what, exactly, did the executive action do that has you worried?

Here's what the four points are aiming at:

1. Doing a better job with background checks.
2. Encouraging law enforcement to pay attention to and enforce existing law.
3. Address the mental healthcare aspect of violence.
4. Encourage safe gun technology.

patrick jane

Relax. We're almost at the next cycle and what, exactly, did the executive action do that has you worried?

Here's what the four points are aiming at:

1. Doing a better job with background checks.
2. Encouraging law enforcement to pay attention to and enforce existing law.
3. Address the mental healthcare aspect of violence.
4. Encourage safe gun technology.

True, Obama is no monkey