Immigration Officer: Border Deluge of Illegal Aliens ‘Is The Worst We’ve Ever Seen’

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
EXCLUSIVE — Immigration Officer: Border Deluge of Illegal Aliens ‘Is The Worst We’ve Ever Seen’

The flood of illegal aliens pouring across the southern border has become a “crisis situation” and is even worse than the record 2014 border surge, says an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer from El Paso, Texas with more than ten years of service to the agency.

The ICE agency has no room to house the arriving surge, so many illegals are being released into American communities where they disappear “into the wind never to be seen by us again,” the agent said.

The agent—who spoke to Breitbart News exclusively on the condition of anonymity for fear of retaliation by the administration—detailed how his overrun agency has been forced to pull agents from their mission of removing criminal aliens from the nation’s interior, so that they can help process the cross-border influx of illegal aliens.

The illegal aliens, mostly from Central America, are using President Barack Obama’s policies to request asylum, work permits and green cards. Whereas unlawful aliens traditionally sought to evade border agents in hopes of reaching U.S. cities where they could illegally fill American jobs, reports document how many of these new migrants are now turning themselves in to border patrol agents believing they’ll be allowed to stay permanently. This 2016 influx of migrants from Central America had exceeded 117,000 by Oct. 1, marking a new record, Breitbart News reported


New member
The Immigration Law business has skyrocketed...overnight.

Way to go Donald.

Should have kepr that Wall business to himself.

So much for his endless hot air about the stupidity of letting the enemy know what one is about to do.

Oh well.


New member
How dare he enforce the law. Better to give federal criminals milk and cookies like you want to.

Now, now, he's not in office yet - oh wait, that's the Trumper's enabler mantra when presented with the obvious.

Deportation - he'll probably push for the deportation of very few; take credit for those deported under Obama, call it a day, and you Trumpers will buy right into it.
