Immigration: Canada to Mexico to Alaska!

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Immigration: Canada to Mexico to Alaska!

Wednesday May 17th, 2006. This is show # 98.

* Steve from Canada's country has outlawed broadcasting condemnation of homosexuals; and he wonders why natural selection would have dropped the apes ability to swing through trees.
* Half of Mexicans worry their government is on the brink of losing control.
* Miss Mouse: Animal rights foray into A Beka Christian curriculum (I Can Read Well, Book 4, 63320). Liberals who disregard the Creator are left with only the creation, and they begin worshipping dirt, trees, animals, etc.
* Rusty from Anchorage AK debates Bob, kindly, on the KGOV Immigration Solution.
* Darryl from the Land of Goshen IN uses economic reasoning in defense of Bob's KGOV Immigration Solution.
* New White House Press Sec'y Tony Snow aims directly at the New York Times, CBS News, and USA Today! Cool! But too bad he's defending signing up millions of people for a new Republican entitlement program.
* Today's Resource: Read our proposed new Constitution of America. It's online and free!


New member
* Steve from Canada's country has outlawed broadcasting condemnation of homosexuals;

It's even worse than what Steve said. Not only does the Government of Canada outlaw broadcasting the condemnation of homosexuals, homosexuals now have their own cable television station "OUT TV", and the Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission recently gave a licence for "Rainbow Radio" a homosexual radio station in Toronto Canada.

Let us pray that the KGOV immigration plan is put into action, so Christian Conservatives in Canada can flee to the United States. I think I can speak for all Canadian Christian Conservatives when I say that we would not put a burden on your welfare system, or public schools.
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