I'm Okay

I'm okay but it's been and will continue to be a daily struggle. I take medication for epilepsy (Keppra) and I recently found the name for some unusual (for me) verbal behavior. It's call Keppra Rage. (Google it if you're interested.) I've done my best to minimize it by splitting my doses, increasing my anti-anxiety medication, etc. What I didn't count on was Type 2 Diabetes I've been diagnosed with for roughly 45 days now. Now, besides a pill I take in the morning (Metformin), I am also prescribed a anti-depressant (Celexa). Before I started taking Celexa and while I was working to balance my meals, I had two blackouts. Both happened while I was driving in rush hour on the interstate.

The first blackout I sort of remember Christian music playing in the background. I missed my exit by a mile but I must have been in control, or more likely an angel was keeping me from having an accident. The second blackout, four days later, I came to not having any idea where I was. I was still on an interstate in a lane but I didn't know which interstate I was on because nothing looked familiar. Again no accident and I was properly positioned in a lane. Thank you again my Father for sending your angels for taking the wheel for me, in Jesus name.

I haven't had a blackout for over 40 days now and I am religiously sticking to a diabetic diet. I eat 6 balanced meals a day and have gone from 189 lbs. to 174.75 lbs in about 45 days. I allow myself 1 Coca-Cola per week on a weekend but the last one didn't set well with me. The caffeine kept me up until 6:00 am. No caffeine, no alcohol, no junk food of any kind. This is what life has become. And then there's the muscle weakness, confusion and forgetfulness. Also, every med I take interacts with every other med I take. At least I'm not suicidal.

Then there's the migraines. I don't get them near as often as I used to. My wife takes a doctor prescribed med for her migraines where I felt they didn't work at all for me. Instead, I take a barbituate and sometimes a muscle relaxant. This works beautifully for me and has kept me mentally sharp at work. But I can't take them too close to my anti-depressant at night as it could cause an adverse effect, like death.

Anyway, this is my life now as I try to outsource someone's work. :carryon: