If you obey God's commandments does that mean that no one is ever punished?


If you obey God's commandments does that mean that no one is ever punished?

There was a time when I sinned, but I obey God's commandments God's Law. If I was not punished or there is a view that people are no longer punished for breaking God's Law, what then? Are we to understand the times in which we live? Are any of us called to be judges? Does God's Law apply when righteous people judge what is right only, that what is wrong would be judged or people would repent of the wrong which they have done? What sin then would a person not be judged for by a human court? Even a person's thoughts can be judged, and God sees all things. No one escapes His judgment or righteous verdict, even as we are not to take pleasure in another's judgment and certainly not to join the wicked in the hastening of the day of the LORD should that even be possible. For the full measure of one's guilt to be judged, and should not things be set right sooner than later? Understanding all things and acknowledging there are people entrusted with judging sinners and yet there are even then sinners who are witnesses too. We need and want to see things made right. Are they already all set in order? Can justice and judgment win out? Can people repent of their sins and be forgiven? How is right judgment brought about? How can people even our land get better?

Obeying God's Law may require being a witness to a crime sin or transgression such that the person is punished. So is God's Law for today or not?

The New Covenant is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah. Some say all know the LORD. Does this mean no punishment needs to occur? That all people follow God's law as it is written on minds and hearts? Something is wrong with this picture in view of what we see in the world, with God on the move but people sinning.

If we do away with God's Law for believers and call them saved sinners rather than lost sinners, does not the sin need to be dealt with? Have those who have repented of their sin turned to righteousness, obedience, and holy living? God knows hidden, secret, and concealed sin. It is not hidden to Him. But what do we do about it living with each other and knowing that God will judge sin? Do we still believe in Judges and their judgment being the decision of God? Am I a Judge or a witness in how I live? Is there anything that I need to do when I know something is not right but I do not know the details? Is my response my judgment and moving forward? Will all things be made right in God's timing or is there judgment that I am aware of its having not yet occurred?

How do people preach the gospel and judge sinners in a sin-filled world?

I see result from the good that I have done in the world, and have some measure of understanding even with the result of my decisions or being reigned in or curtailed, but even then am I the righteous one or being judged everyone in turn as things are supposed to be done?

