If this was Evil Eye


If this was Evil Eye... he would say he doesn’t want to use fowl language any more. Not because he thinks it makes him better or worse than anyone... but it simply gives the Self Righteous an excuse to write off what Evil Eye has to say.

We should be gentle towards one another, but I’m sure wry clips are a bit impossible for EE to discontinue using... because they are part of my normal communication style.

If this was Evil Eye, he would say that Jesus did die for all and there should never be any excuse to not bfuscate this biblical fact.

If this was Evil Eye, he would ask [MENTION=12969]Sherman[/MENTION] to forgive him for being such a bad Evil Eye and cursing so much. He would say he understands rules and appreciates losing things for being so naughty. He would ask to start fresh with a new Avatar that has no rep.

He would say John 5:39 remains the heart of everything meaningful.

True or False

If this was Evil Eye... he would say he doesn’t want to use fowl language any more. Not because he thinks it makes him better or worse than anyone... but it simply gives the Self Righteous an excuse to write off what Evil Eye has to say.

We should be gentle towards one another, but I’m sure wry clips are a bit impossible for EE to discontinue using... because they are part of my normal communication style.

If this was Evil Eye, he would say that Jesus did die for all and there should never be any excuse to not bfuscate this biblical fact.

If this was Evil Eye, he would ask [MENTION=12969]Sherman[/MENTION] to forgive him for being such a bad Evil Eye and cursing so much. He would say he understands rules and appreciates losing things for being so naughty. He would ask to start fresh with a new Avatar that has no rep.

He would say John 5:39 remains the heart of everything meaningful.
You are evil.

True or false?


New member

In reference to Calvinism... Yes does not mean yes. Yes is a word that is defined as a pseudo hermanutic derivative result of the elect group of yeses. You can’t simply say yes... and expect yes to mean yes. The No’s have no choice in the matter and must become elected to yes.

When attempting to answer questions directly and without deception, you must consider how abhorrent it is to do so. Discussing God takes 10 Doctorates, and at least 1000 hours in “elected”, pastoral or administrative work, that is paid from tuition or tithe base.

We find this as true when Paul asks if he needs to come with letters of recognition.

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New member
Funny thing. When I made other accounts... and logged out... it was like others were trying to muck up the login limit by exceeding the 5 password limit.

Hmmmmm... who would do that?


New member
You are evil.

True or false?

Dispensational answer...

Are you a 2nd chapter, 3rd verse, 5th Word dispensational believer, or 6th word believer?

We must strenuously fight to the death and call each other names... if our doctrine differs at any point. Are you an 11th chapter, 5th verse, 3rd Word, 2nd letter dispensational believer? Than you're the devil! The truth is in the 3rd letter!

Boy are you dumb! 2nd letter of the 3rd Word Dispensation! IDIOT! Duh! 3rd letter!

And... now about yes... is that yes before the ice cream cone serving, or after the ice cream cone serving?

So you see, yes is not yes and no is not no.

That was SOOOOOOOOOOOO Obvious!


Well-known member
In reference to Calvinism... Yes does not mean yes. Yes is a word that is defined as a pseudo hermanutic derivative result of the elect group of yeses. You can’t simply say yes... and expect yes to mean yes. The No’s have no choice in the matter and must become elected to yes.

When attempting to answer questions directly and without deception, you must consider how abhorrent it is to do so. Discussing God takes 10 Doctorates, and at least 1000 hours in “elected”, pastoral or administrative work, that is paid from tuition or tithe base.

We find this as true when Paul asks if he needs to come with letters of recognition.

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Backwards and a scapegoat at best, a purposeful maligning of untrue at worst. God saves all who 'can/will' be saved. We may not like that all that are going to hell are going to hell, but they cannot/will-not be saved, else they'd not be headed that direction and would be saved, no? How can they be saved? Is it possible? In a way, you are denying their own 'freewill.' A Calvinist is generally not trying to make you a Calvinist nor is trying to be mean to the many unregenerate going to hell. Why would any Christian, with grace and love, not follow this directive? Galatians 6:1 Psalm 141:5 2 Thessalonians 3:15 Romans 14:1; 15:1 Philippians 2:4 1 Thessalonians 5:4 :think: Hebrews 5:2 2 Timothy 2:23-26


New member
If anyone ever gets kicked off of ToL for being defensive of your fellow human being and daring to teach that Jesus died for sinners, Unbelievers, freaks, geeks, gays, barbarians, silent hunters, Sonnets, Evil.Eyes, people accused of being leftist skum, clique members, and... big shocker ... every human being that is, was and ever will be...

Evil Eye Doctrine can be checked by these questions...

Did Jesus Die for all? Yes

Was Saint Augustine helpful to Theology? No

Does judge not lest he be judged mean exactly that? Yes

Can I make fun of gay people and sinners that I think are worse off than myself? No... that’s called hypocrisy... and Jesus died for those people too.

Should I clique up with Pharisee like people to accomplish a theological task? No!

Should I throw away the chapter in Philippians that tells us to count ourselves lower than others? NO!

Do Self Righteous people have the right to insult others with belittling words that aren’t punishable by Banning? No!

Is Jesus God? Yes!

Is God Tri-une? Yes

Is God three separate beings acting as one? No!

Did Jesus Reconcile the entire world to Himself in a way where He can draw all people to Himself? Yes... RP can expound on that!

Is it okay to act like my sin doesn’t stink? No!

Should I tell anyone they will go to hell? No!

Is warning people to get right Okay? Yes!

Does Origin belief system deny someone the free gift of salvation, offered by Jesus Christ? No

John 5:39 ... Ephesians 2:8-9



New member
Backwards and a scapegoat at best, a purposeful maligning of untrue at worst. God saves all who 'can/will' be saved. We may not like that all that are going to hell are going to hell, but they cannot/will-not be saved, else they'd not be headed that direction and would be saved, no? How can they be saved? Is it possible? In a way, you are denying their own 'freewill.' A Calvinist is generally not trying to make you a Calvinist nor is trying to be mean to the many unregenerate going to hell. Why would any Christian, with grace and love, not follow this directive? Galatians 6:1 Psalm 141:5 2 Thessalonians 3:15 Romans 14:1; 15:1 Philippians 2:4 1 Thessalonians 5:4 :think: Hebrews 5:2 2 Timothy 2:23-26

Hermanutically Incorrect.

Lots of flashy words and kindness that fades if you don’t like being associated with heretics for challenging Calvin.

Let us get along.

TULIP and Charlie Manson ar Okay.

How can I convince you that ALL doesn’t mean all isn’t really wrong to teach? It was “just” Jesus dying for the WORLD HE made and Loved...

Anything else? Did I miss anything?