Well-known member
I think my dog's a DEMOCRAT , AND IT BRAKES my heart to say , to say and UGLY thing like that !
But their is a BIG OLD PILE of evidence that all points to that FACT !!

I PAY for all his HEALTHCARE , and I buy every thing he EATS , just to keep him off the street and he just acts that he is ENTITLED !!

And even tried to UNIONIZE THE CAT , I think my Dog's a DEMOCRAT !!

He chewed up the CONSTITUTION that I keep on display , and every time BENGHAZIA'S on TV , HE look the other way !

I know he's LIBERAL even if he won't admit it and he POOPED on the living room RUG and tried to tell me George Bush did it !

He ain't got NO PAPERS and that really gets my Goat and if he could get a ride to town , well I know they'd let him VOTE !

Well we had some good times and he's been fun to have around , , But if he ever BARKS about my RIGHT to BEAR ARMS , I will have to put him DOWN !!

His behavior has been HINTING that his MOM might be Mrs Clinton , ARF , ARF, ARF , I think my DOG will spread the WEALTH , GOVERNMENT HEALTH , FLEA BITTEN , DEMOCRAT , DANG IT !!

BY b l

dan p


New member

Cats are Republicans, dogs are Dems

When cats are born, they believe they are in a state of liberty, and from then on they are determined to keep it that way. No one tells them what to do.

And, sorry if you’ve got one and you’re a Republican — but dogs are liberal Democrats. Some are possibly Socialists, though probably none will ever admit it.

Dogs are communal by nature. They run in packs. They dream of their days as wolves, sharing responsibilities.

The best you can do with a dog is train him to work on an assembly line, doing the same trick, time after time. He’s a natural proletarian, waiting for his union card to come through.

Dogs will also happily take a government job.

But dogs also want to save the world generally. They’re bleeding heart liberals.



New member

Is Your Dog a Democrat or Republican?

According to a recent opinion piece on politico.com, your dog is a democrat and all the cats out there are republicans.

I'd have to disagree with him on a few points. Namely, dogs are willing to work for their wages while cats rely upon entitlement programs.

Working dogs put in endless hours of training, work diligently whenever called upon and will literally work themselves to death for the pittance of a roof over their head, a full belly and enjoyment spent with friends and family. It's truly the American way.

Felines on the other hand do nothing all day and expect others to provide their meals and clean up after them. It's truly the way of entitlement.



New member
You can buy rolls of little bags to pick up all the Democrats and Republicans your dog leaves on the ground when you are walking your dog.