I Sold My Soul on BEL

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I Sold My Soul on BEL

This is the show from Tuesday December 14th, 2010.


* Atheist Author of I Sold My Soul on eBay: Hemant Mehta talks to Bob Enyart. Part I of II. And in case you're interested in further discussion with atheists, Bob has also talked to:
- ABC's Reginald Finley, called The Infidel Guy, from ABC's Wife Swap program; 3-26-07;
- TheologyOnLine's psychologist Zakath in a moderated written online debate, also in soft cover;
- John Henderson who wrote the book God.com 6-15-2006;
- Carlos Morales, Fox News, Huffington Post, etc. reports on U of Texas atheists Bible-turn in program, president of Atheist Agenda 7-14-10
- Freedom from Religion Foundation founder Dan Barker (put the atheist sign near the Nativity at the capitol in Seattle) who was involved with the ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman, one of a group of so-called faith healers. (See a BEL listener who initially compared Bob to Benny Hinn until...) The BEL show was on 12-11-08;
- Eugenie Scott, leading anti-evolutionist Ph.D. with the Nat'l Center for Science Education, exhumed 5-6-05;
- Michael Shermer, an editor with Scientific American and the Skeptic Society who in this famous 73-second excerpt on BEL denied that the sun is a light, illustrating that it's tough debating atheists when they're hesitant to admit to even the most obvious common ground. 8-28-03

* Special Editions of Real Science Friday:
- BEL's famous List of Not-So-Old Things
- Bob's debate with Christian Darwinist British author James Hannam
- PZ Myers blogs against Real Science Friday so Bob hits back with the Trochlea Challenge
- Waiting for Darwin's Other Shoe: Evolution mag's cover story Darwin Was Wrong on the Tree of Life
- Microbiologist in Studio: Bob talks with the Creation Research Society Quarterly editor about new genetic findings
- Caterpillar Kills Atheism: describe how a bug could evolve to liquefy itself and then build itself into a flying creature
- And see RSF Offer of $2,000 to get 16 letters of the alphabet in their correct places; $500 pd in 1998; $1,500 in 2010!

* Today's Resource: Give a science Christimas Gift and get free shipping!
Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown's
In the Beginning and Bob's interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You'll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart's Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; And the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI's tremendous Creation magazine!


New member
* Today's Resource: Give a science Christimas Gift and get free shipping!
Have you browsed through our Science Department in the KGOV Store? Check out especially Walt Brown's
In the Beginning and Bob's interviews with this great scientist in Walt Brown Week! You'll also love Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez' Privileged Planet (clip), and Illustra Media's Unlocking the Mystery of Life You can consider our BEL Science Pack; Bob Enyart's Age of the Earth Debate; Bob's debate about Junk DNA with famous evolutionist Dr. Eugenie Scott; And the superb kids' radio programming, Jonathan Park: The Adventure Begins! And Bob strongly recommends that you subscribe to CMI's tremendous Creation magazine!

I try to do that, but I try to use actual science.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Bob- so called Faith Healers, and their claims for healings. Calling certain events 'miracles' when they really are not. Hement actually makes sense here.

Benny Hinn and Kathyn Khulman are a nut cases. Here is a small snippet from what Wikipedia has to say about Khulman.
Furthermore, one woman who was said to have been cured of spinal cancer took off her brace and ran across the stage at Kuhlman's command; her spine collapsed the following day and she died four months later

And now the goods on Hinn. A film was being made called A Question of Miracles. Here is a snippet from Wikipedia.

The film's director, Antony Thomas, claimed to CNN's Kyra Phillips that they did not find any cases where people were actually healed by Hinn. Thomas said in a New York Times interview that "If I had seen miracles [from Hinn's ministry], I would have been happy to trumpet it...but in retrospect, I think they do more damage to Christianity than the most committed atheist."

There was a time I attended pentecostal churches, but after observing their fruits and their theology I became disillusioned and turned my attentions to more Bible based churches.

Can God heal? Yes. But I have never seen Him do it through a loud mouth evangelist.

A Christian needs to base his faith on the truth of God's word, not emotions. Much of today's faith healing ministries are pure emotions. The so called 'miracles' focus all the attention on the evangelist.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
IK, to take it further, miracles foster unbelief...

IK, to take it further, miracles foster unbelief...

A Christian needs to base his faith on the truth of God's word, not emotions. Much of today's faith healing ministries are pure emotions. The so called 'miracles' focus all the attention on the evangelist.
IK, thanks for those quotes. The Body of Christ must deal with this crisis, addressing corruption in our "own house" if God is to bless our efforts more fully. Inzl, The Plot provides an exhaustive list of all 343 miracles (and series of miracles) in the Bible showing that overwhelmingly, those who witness miracles turn further against God. Consider:

Miracles foster unbelief.

God's great miracles through Moses filled Egypt with undeniable evidence for the God of Israel (Ex. 9:27). Yet neither the Bible nor history records Egyptian repentance, only good riddance (Ps. 105:38; Ex. 12:35-36; 14:25). Further and more dramatic, consider the effect of those tremendous miracles on Israel. God followed the 10 plagues (Ex. 7:14-12:30) done on behalf of Israel with the parting of the Red Sea (Ex. 14:21-22) and the drowning of the Egyptian army (Ex. 14:26-28). Then daily for 40 years God appeared to the entire nation as a column of smoke by day and a pillar of fire by night (Ex. 13:21-22; Num. 14:14; Neh. 9:12; Ps. 105:39). The Lord kept their clothes from wearing out (Deut. 8:4), produced water out of the Rock (Ex. 17:2-6), fed the people with angels food from heaven (Ex. 16:4-7) and brought meat on demand, literally filling their camp with quail (Num. 11:31-32; Ps. 105:40).

Yet with all this, virtually the entire nation rejected God:

For who, having heard, rebelled? Indeed, was it not all who came out of Egypt, led by Moses? ... Was it not with those who sinned, whose corpses fell in the wilderness? Heb. 3:16-17

...and in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation... was gone. Num. 32:13​

Jesus did great miracles and crowds followed Him, but mostly out of selfishness. Of thousands who received His miracles, few worshipped Him. Of 10 lepers healed, only one even said thanks (Luke 17:17). Generally, Christ's miracles did not win over the crowds (Mat. 8:34; 11:20; 13:58; Mark 15:8-15; Luke 4:23-28; 8:37; 17:17; John 5:8-10; 10:25-39; 12:29-30). Even His own city rejected the miracle-working Messiah (Mark 6:4-6).

IK, there's a bit more of this online at KGOV.com/miracles.

In Christ,
-Bob Enyart


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
People respond negatively to miracles because they don't like having the truth jammed in their faces as you so astutely say on your website. People really resent being proven wrong. I have noticed that in various threads here in the forum. People on here revile those that post the truth with evidence to back it up. They get called all kinds of nasty names like 'scum' and 'loser'. Miracles step it up even further.
I doubt if a miracle would really convince Hemant. In fact he is making up an excuse to stay an atheist.

By the time someone is an adult, they are pretty fixed in what they believe. It takes something significant in their personal life to challenge those beliefs.


New member
People respond negatively to miracles because they don't like having the truth jammed in their faces as you so astutely say on your website. People really resent being proven wrong. I have noticed that in various threads here in the forum. People on here revile those that post the truth with evidence to back it up. They get called all kinds of nasty names like 'scum' and 'loser'. Miracles step it up even further.
I doubt if a miracle would really convince Hemant. In fact he is making up an excuse to stay an atheist.

By the time someone is an adult, they are pretty fixed in what they believe. It takes something significant in their personal life to challenge those beliefs.

Actually most of the name calling on TOL is from Christians, see many of Stripe or Lighthouse's posts.

Personally, my beliefs changed as I grew older. Raised a pretty devout Catholic. did some serious evangelical-born again type Bible study in middle age. Listened one day to Pastor Bob and one of his "science" shows and realized how absurd the whole Christian thing was. Viola, I am now atheistic.

TOL does some good after all. And I have to thank Kent Hovind, Walt Brown, Ken Ham and Ray Comfort as well.

Oh, and the basic attitude of those like Lighthouse, Stripe and Frank Ernest as well as the generalized homophobia seen here only serve to convince me that I am correct and fundys are either ignorant or dishonest.
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