I don't think I will "attack" Republicans anymore... 11th Commandment..


New member
I don't think I will "attack" Republicans anymore... 11th Commandment.

Yeh, I have been thinking about this lately..

It's not so much that i don't think the Rs should be critical of ea other. I think that is healthy and "American"

When someone does somehting objectively wrong, it is wrong not to criticize it.. so keep criticizing... but don't go out of your way to do that... or

Here's the problem with it, though (one of them): While we Rs are busy criticizing our own, we are neglecting to criticize the ones most worthy of criticism.

I mean COME ON... We are literally running against the party of Satan

OK, you think that sounds a little over the top?

how about the party of:


the party of sexual promiscuity

the party of sexual perversion ("gay marriage")

the party of HUGE government (Never forget: bigger governement ALWAYS means less freedom)

the party of CORRUPTION (Lois Lerner.. the VA... email scandal... the list goes on)

and worst of all

the party of baby killers



New member
that said,

mentioning the fact that some Rs are not really pro life

is FAR from being '

"an attack"

and i will continue to out the not really pro life candidates, the ones who think its OK to murder helpless children for the sins of their parents

a violation of the 14th Amendment, a violation of "Right to life, liberty....."

The truly pro life candidates:

  • Cruz
  • Jindal
  • (I think) Rubio
  • Huckabee

Also, Bush has actually done quite a bit to save the unborn... so i may consider putting him on my pro life list... even though... not happy w/ some of things he has said on the topic... yeh, he probably belongs on the list



New member
Hall of Fame
looks like some folks can't tell the difference between legitimate criticism and not so legitimate

not terribly surprised


Are you saying that your previous criticism against Rs was not legitimate? But now it's going to be legitimate criticism only? :AMR: