How treasonous is Comey?


Well-known member
According to Senator Grassley, so treasonous that documents Comey allowed to be leaked to were so sensitive Grassley could only view them in a SCIF.

For those who don't know, a SCIF is a secure space compartmentalized for access to classified documents. Access is naturally limited. I worked in a SCIF in the Navy. On the wall was a poster of Uncle Sam pointing at you with the caption, "Lock that security container or I'll send your *** to prison." Apparently that don't count anymore if you belong to Chicago Jesus.


Well-known member

Chicago Jesus is the label given to Obama after people were caught on camera praying to him. Want to say a bunch of leftists put a video together of their own kids singing hymns to Obama. Hence the name...they made him their own personal "Jesus."


Well-known member
Which enemy of the United States did Comey adhere to, giving them aide and comfort?

You lying idiot. You know if classified information is wrongly disseminated, there's no telling whose hand it will eventually fall into. That's why the classification hierarchy exists, as well as restricted access on need to know basis.

Comey allowed classified info to get to someone with no security clearance, you idiot.

Another case in point: Anthony Weiner had classified information on his child molesting computer. WHY it was there and HOW it got there is beside the point for the moment, which is: assume his computer got hacked by the Russians, Norks or Chicoms, or simply stolen. An already corrupt man could have been thoroughly compromised into getting access to more classified info or be publicly exposed.

Yet another case in point: the Mohammedans that DWS hired to handle congressional IT. They had full read access to ANYTHING that congressmen had on their computers, no doubt much of it sensitive, some of it classified but wrongly handled. We'll never know how much of that info was compromised because of people like you.


The Barbarian

You lying idiot. You know if classified information is wrongly disseminated, there's no telling whose hand it will eventually fall into. That's why the classification hierarchy exists, as well as restricted access on need to know basis.

Comey allowed classified info to get to someone with no security clearance, you idiot.

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.

The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and the National Security Agency.

So unless the Russian ambassador has a U.S. security clearance, Trump committed treason, according to your reasoning.

Probably so. :chuckle:

Gary K

New member
I find it odd that one would consider the largest political party in the United States to be treasonous, but still think that those who colluded with Russia to undermine our elections are patriots.

When the facts align, that's the way it is. And the evidence all points to the fact that it was the Obama administration, the DNC, and Democrat politicians who colluded with the Russians, not Trump and his team. The facts will come out despite all the cover the media, in reality the propoganda arm of the Democratic party, gives the Democrats.

The Barbarian

Barbarian chuckles:
I find it odd that one would consider the largest political party in the United States to be treasonous, but still think that those who colluded with Russia to undermine our elections are patriots.

When the facts align, that's the way it is.

Loyalty to Putin or loyalty to America. That's the divide.

And the evidence all points to the fact that it was the Obama administration, the DNC, and Democrat politicians who colluded with the Russians, not Trump and his team.

It was Obama and the democrats who leaked highly classified information to the Russians? (Barbarian checks)

Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador

Of course, if your first loyalty is to Putin, then it wouldn't seem like treason to you, would it?

The facts will come out

They have. It turns out that Trump Jr. (who even Steve Bannon characterized as taking part in a treasonous meeting) isn't the only one collaborating with our enemies.



"The Donald" and his current motley crew of "deplorables" are the same group that tried to undermine President Obama's legitimacy by promoting the "birther" movement for the past 8 years!

This campaign against Comey, Mueller and the FBI is nothing more than Trump's 2018 version of "birtherism" - with the same lack of hard evidence to back it up!