How to Tebow Right!


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How to Tebow Right!

This is the show from Tuesday, January 17th 2011.


* Colorado March for Life: Be there! The Colorado Right to Life sponsors the March for Life on the west steps of the capital in Denver this Saturday, Jan 21 at noon! Hear Mike Adams of speak alongside other Personhood heroes at the 2012 March for Life. And if you're out of town, then check to join an event in your area!

* Presidential Pro-Life Forum: Tune in Wednesday Jan 18 at 6:45pm Eastern for the Presidential Pro-Life Forum hosted by Personhood USA. Enjoy this historic personhood forum with its great panel of questioners Lila Rose, Dan Becker and Gualberto Garcia Jones. Oh yeah, and hear the candidates Rick Santorum, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, and Newt Gingrich! Carried LIVE on CSPAN!

* Mis-Tebowing
: Ellen Degeneres is offered advice from Bob on how to Tebow properly, and some high school basketball players, beaten for Tebowing expose the scary underbelly of high school basketball. Hear Bob and co-host Doug McBurney discuss how it is that God is involved in Tim Tebow’s success, and check out the Webs first one stop shop for all of Tim Tebow’s records!

Today's Resource: Raising Godly Children. Bob presents a three part video series for parents on raising children to honor God.