How to Make a Rooster Crow


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How to Make a Rooster Crow

This is the show from Thursday November 21st, 2013



Battle Royale X: Is the Future Settled or Open?

Bob Enyart, pastor of Denver Bible Church, debates Professor Sam Lamerson of D. James Kennedy's Knox Theological Seminar in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. (TOL) hosted a debate on Openness because of the popularity of the issue, and because of the centrality of the matter. The Open View holds that the future is not settled, but open, and therefore unknowable. The Settled View is a convenient name for the divergent theological positions that agree in their opposition to the Open View. Most Christians, regardless of their stand on predestination and free will, believe that the future is exhaustively foreknown and settled, and therefore not open.

TOL has become one of the more popular web sites for discussing the Bible, evangelizing unbelievers, and debating creation, morality, current events, and theology. Founded by elders of Colorado’s Denver Bible Church, over the years, thousands of TOL members have posted millions of questions and comments, and thousands more people read the boards (the forums, discussion threads, and Battle Royales). So, we expect that during the debate and for years to come, a significant audience will read and evaluate Battle Royale X on Openness Theology.

You can order this debate transcript in book form from on our store.