How The Lord Jesus Saves The World:


Active member
(and maybe even saves you one day - don't you want to live forever?)

"As Rousas John Rushdooney notes: The key to remedying the world situation
is NOT revolution, nor any kind of resistance that works to subvert law and order.
The key is regeneration, propagation of the gospel, and the conversion of men
and nations to God's laws.

This is [true] because evil men cannot produce a good society. The key to renewal
is regeneration."

Source: He Shall Have Dominion
by Kenneth Gentry, page 82


Regeneration is mentioned in John 3:3 where the Lord Jesus said to
a Jewish leader, "You must be born again."

Regeneration changes your nature. You were dead in sin and your
fallen human nature was dead -- but regeneration is the supernatural
work of the Holy Spirit where he makes you ALIVE and changes your
nature so that NOW you CAN understand spiritual truths -- whereas
before you were regenerated, spiritual truths were thought to be mere
foolishness to you.

The Lord Jesus will Christianize the world one person at a time. The
Lord Jesus wins The War For The Wprld as noted above.

The Lord Jesus NOW has been given ALL authority both in Heaven and
here and Earth -- see the ending of Matthew chapter 28



Right Divider

Body part
(and maybe even saves you one day - don't you want to live forever?)

"As Rousas John Rushdooney notes: The key to remedying the world situation
is NOT revolution, nor any kind of resistance that works to subvert law and order.
The key is regeneration, propagation of the gospel, and the conversion of men
and nations to God's laws.

This is [true] because evil men cannot produce a good society. The key to renewal
is regeneration."

Source: He Shall Have Dominion
by Kenneth Gentry, page 82


Regeneration is mentioned in John 3:3 where the Lord Jesus said to
a Jewish leader, "You must be born again."

Regeneration changes your nature. You were dead in sin and your
fallen human nature was dead -- but regeneration is the supernatural
work of the Holy Spirit where he makes you ALIVE and changes your
nature so that NOW you CAN understand spiritual truths -- whereas
before you were regenerated, spiritual truths were thought to be mere
foolishness to you.

The Lord Jesus will Christianize the world one person at a time. The
Lord Jesus wins The War For The Wprld as noted above.

The Lord Jesus NOW has been given ALL authority both in Heaven and
here and Earth -- see the ending of Matthew chapter 28


Right division would help with your confusion.


Well-known member
(and maybe even saves you one day - don't you want to live forever?)

"As Rousas John Rushdooney notes: The key to remedying the world situation
is NOT revolution, nor any kind of resistance that works to subvert law and order.
The key is regeneration, propagation of the gospel, and the conversion of men
and nations to God's laws.

This is [true] because evil men cannot produce a good society. The key to renewal
is regeneration."

Source: He Shall Have Dominion
by Kenneth Gentry, page 82


Regeneration is mentioned in John 3:3 where the Lord Jesus said to
a Jewish leader, "You must be born again."

Regeneration changes your nature. You were dead in sin and your
fallen human nature was dead -- but regeneration is the supernatural
work of the Holy Spirit where he makes you ALIVE and changes your
nature so that NOW you CAN understand spiritual truths -- whereas
before you were regenerated, spiritual truths were thought to be mere
foolishness to you.

The Lord Jesus will Christianize the world one person at a time. The
Lord Jesus wins The War For The Wprld as noted above.

The Lord Jesus NOW has been given ALL authority both in Heaven and
here and Earth -- see the ending of Matthew chapter 28


I appreciate your pointing out the word regeneration. I do believe that through the Holy Spirit in the followers of Christ there is a process of regeneration taking place. For the here and now the Holy Spirit teaches us, helps us have faith, gives us the strength we need to reject acts of sin and try to live a life after God's will.

Now I would like to take the development of the process of regeneration to another level by explaining God plan from the beginning to regenerated mankind and the world. Pray that I can be succinct and still get my ideas coming from scripture across. I will not take time to quote scripture but it is so easy to "google/search" Bible topics now that most readers will be able to see from where I'm coming.

It all began in Genesis 1-2: God created the elements which formed the world an etc. as we know it. He also created humanity in Genesis 1, but the male/female entity had not yet appeared within that environment. In Genesis 2 The LORD formed one body for male/female. Have you ever noticed that before The LORD took from the elements of the world he cause a mist of water [a small measure] to it? Water is often symbolic of life such as in the story of Jesus and the woman at the well. Jesus promised he an new measure of water which would give her eternal life.

So, in Gen. 2 life was given to the specific elements of creation which were to be used to form mankind's body. It is called ground in the KJV. He blew into the nostrils of that body the life of male/female and for a time they shared it. Yet we know Adam describe Woman's body. He said she was taken out of him and was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh ... IOW, she had the same elements in her body.

Now, here comes the revelation! When Satan teased Woman and Adam and Eve disobeyed God a consequence came from God. First he told Satan he cursed much more than even the beasts of the field. He was to be force to partake of the dust for the REST OF HIS LIFE. Notice he was allowed to partake of the dust not the ground! What is dust? Ground without water. Symbolically: Specific elements of creation missing the necessary ingredients [life] to sustain the body of mankind!

Now Adam/Woman received a similar command. You shall partake of THE GROUND for the rest of your lives. Notice their mist [measure of life] was not taken from them so they did not die instantly. Yet, they would only have that measure of life until they finally died a mortal death.

After giving these commands to Satan and mankind, God then cursed the ground!!! Thus the process of death entered the world and the entire world is wearing out like an old garment. Because of this connection between Satan and mankind to the world, Satan has access to influence humanity. Is it any wonder that Satan thought he had the right to possess the dead [life-less] body of Moses? Moses had sinned and God had given Satan the right to possess the DUST of the ground! In mankind's case sinners are already dead because they do not have the extra measure of water [life from God] to give them eternal life.

Now, since birthing was designed as a process to happen over time so death came into the world as a process occurring over time. This allowed for reproduction to continue for growing our LORD a family while death ruled in the end. Yet, one day God will shake creation and refine it with fire and all that is cursed will be shaken away and what is left will be those who have received the additional measure of life. Part of the job of the Holy Spirit in Jesus's followers is to hold them so they will not be shaken and lost. They/we will be regenerated with a new body so we will not be lost but dwell in the kingdom of our Lord forever. All the cursed dust and ground will go into the Lake of Fire - which is called the second death for humanity but the first death for Satan and probably his rebellious hordes. R

Read Ps82 and you will see: Satan on trial and presenting his own self defense. Telling God he is unfair as a judge and too kind to humanity. Trying to blame mankind for everything that happened to set the world out of whack. Then God lowers the boom and tells Satan: You will die like one of the princes [of the human race]. Lastly God speaks to himself and says: "Arise, O God, judge the earth; for thou shalt inherit all nations.

Praise God for coming as our only Savior in the form of his own earthy begotten son/promised Savior. Is. 43:11; John 1:18. May all men hear and receive the truth, the Way, and the life... Amen


Well-known member
If God had not given his begotten Son the right to forgive sins; if God had not been able to raise the cursed body of Jesus's human flesh; if God had not chosen to give Jesus the right to leave the Holy Spirit in the world for humanity, there could be no regeneration of body and soul.

I once asked God: I know I believe in you and your promises LORD, and I believe in the works of the Christ [Jesus], so why don't I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and swoon and shout under its power as some seem to do?

He said: "Do you feel you liver?"
I said, "No."
He said, "Why not?"
I said, "Well, my liver was designed to be part of who I am. I don't feel it unless it is sick."
He said, "Well?"
I understood then: God created the Holy Spirit to be part of humanity. Those who chose him as their Lord and Savior received what was designed to be part of them from the beginning.

Now because I know he is there whether I feel weird or not, I have learned to listen for him. Whenever he desires he shows up and in that still small voice in my head communicates. At times, when I have prayed for answers and help he has shown up, but usually this happens by his will not mine. The Spirit certainly and suddenly did a work in me. He opened my eyes to understand the KJV of the Bible. Something I had said as a teenager could never be possible for anyone. LOL