How the Bible solidfies its case as true


Well-known member
The D'ist is afraid that the Bible is not reliable if there is no Davidic kingdom in Israel forthcoming.

1, the methodology is wrong. We are CHRISTIANS which means we read the OT as people IN CHRIST, and that it is fulfilled IN CHRIST.

2, Paul answers your doubt in Acts 13! The resurrection is where all is fulfilled!

3, If you were really concerned about proving the Bible, why are you so opposed to the actual meaning of Mt24A and parallels about the Destruction of Jerusalem in the 1st century? This material is such top drawer, that Pastor Holford used it in 1805 England to defeat the circulation of Payne's essays that sought to undercut the entire Bible. When the Huxley's resumed Payne's campaign in the next generation, they dared not talk about the DofJ! No, sir, they spent their effort on geologic fantasy.

4, The NT uses language about David's kingdom and a restored Israel to be about the mission of the Gospel of Messiah. The whole earth is to be taught that this place belongs to Christ who now reigns, 'though the eye of sinful man / his glory may not see.' Once you see this, you will not have 'trouble' sorting out early Acts nor reading Acts 15 about the raising of David's fallen tent, which was to be for all nations. That generation of Israel (the mid first century) was to have kick started the Messianic mission to the nations!!


New member
Too bad Isaiah did not have a Josephus or a Holford, or an Interplanner, when he wrote...

Isaiah 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

And too bad for the Apostle Paul also.

Never mind his...

2 Timothy 3:14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.


Not enough.

We need empiricists like Holford and Interlopper, ur, planner, to tell us we need to rely on the ever endless books "about" of men.

You, Interplanner, are merely one more in a long, long, ever endless line, of books based parrots.


Well-known member
The Bible believer has no reason to doubt one.

That's true in Christ. it is not true in ordinary meaning or sense. Christ is the enthroned son of David. There is no temple and worship service and theocracy coming; that is all a thing of the past covenant.

It's your choice: whether to be ambiguous (to mean two things at once) or to be clear.


Well-known member
The D'ist is afraid that the Bible is not reliable if there is no Davidic kingdom in Israel forthcoming.

1, the methodology is wrong. We are CHRISTIANS which means we read the OT as people IN CHRIST, and that it is fulfilled IN CHRIST.

2, Paul answers your doubt in Acts 13! The resurrection is where all is fulfilled!

3, If you were really concerned about proving the Bible, why are you so opposed to the actual meaning of Mt24A and parallels about the Destruction of Jerusalem in the 1st century? This material is such top drawer, that Pastor Holford used it in 1805 England to defeat the circulation of Payne's essays that sought to undercut the entire Bible. When the Huxley's resumed Payne's campaign in the next generation, they dared not talk about the DofJ! No, sir, they spent their effort on geologic fantasy.

4, The NT uses language about David's kingdom and a restored Israel to be about the mission of the Gospel of Messiah. The whole earth is to be taught that this place belongs to Christ who now reigns, 'though the eye of sinful man / his glory may not see.' Once you see this, you will not have 'trouble' sorting out early Acts nor reading Acts 15 about the raising of David's fallen tent, which was to be for all nations. That generation of Israel (the mid first century) was to have kick started the Messianic mission to the nations!!

The trouble isn't with the message, it's the interpretation that tries to make the Divine into worldly history which is the carnal perception that looks for Jesus/motif outside the holy land which is the tomb of flesh that the Divine spirit lies dormant in until it is awakened from amnesia Luke 15:17-24, and is the first place one is instructed to search for the kingdom Luke 17:20-21, The shadows aren't eternal substance only teaching tools Galatians 4:24, which teach through the use of worldly symbols portrayed in allegorical tales that is perverted into observable history instead of spiritual states all must go through, flesh and blood wants to be exclusive and feel they are better or chosen over others when all things consist in the Divine will who plays all parts, rich or poor, dumb or smart neither have an advantage over the other when it comes to being awakened through Divine appointed times for each soul by/through revelation Galatians 1:12 experience instead of just hearing and staying in the rudimentary levels that look for spiritual fulfillment in worldly history/future which is a oxymoron in the eternal state John 11:25 is an on going resurrection 1Cor 15:54 not based on this school of the elemental states Galatians 4:1.

There isn't any solid proof for David or his kingdom, nor the literal history concerning the Exodus except through religious programming that see's what it is taught "outwardly" to see, Divine teaching deals with one thing, and that is the kingdom and temple of the Divine which is stated to be within man, all outward searches for Divine relics in temporal flesh and blood history just keeps the veil/wall intact and kills the message 2Cor 3:6.