How London Attack Affects America

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How London Attack Affects America

Thursday July 7th, 2005. This is show # 134.

Liberals generally don't understand that when you give in to the demands of criminals you get more crime. You don't get less crime. It's a bit too complicated for liberals to think through but a child can understand it. When you give in to terrorists, when you pay off kidnappers do you get less kidnapping or more kidnapping? You get more kidnapping. And the same thing with terrorism generally.


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They were saying the likelihood of a similar attack in the US was slim because we're a tougher target.

Hope they're right...


It's interesting how "understanding and therapy" can work to one's advantage. It's rather like picking a few convenient verses out of Leviticus and ignoring those you choose to ignore.

Remember Ashley Smith and Brian Nichols? I know that was before the runaway bride and Michael Jackson and you may have skipped over the story without learning a lesson to apply to real life.

And how many times are we still going to hear the old dodge: "Now what would you do if a murderer was just about to kill you?"

Jesus' way always works out for the best. That's why we call ourselves Christians, isn't it? The way of the Christian carrying the cross is not to give in and not to fight back. We can't always say for certain what specifically will be involved, but we can say this: IT'S NOT GIVING IN AND IT'S NOT FIGHTING BACK

It is ironic that liberals, skeptics, atheists, people of all faiths counseled a similar approach after 9-11 but were immediately branded and mocked as unpatriotic, commies or terrorists themselves.

Insanity truly is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...
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