how about Cruz/Paul?


New member
Want to see a man who is vulnerable to the corruptions of D.C.?

Vain and arrogant, with no sense of dignity or propriety commensurate to the office he sought, coupled possibly with a distorted low self-image. Very corruptible to the right appeals to his weaknesses. Do not trust this man. On top of all that, [YELLOW]he's Catholic[/YELLOW], which makes him doubly untrustworthy.[/QUOTE]

highlighted is ALL you care about.

you come across as dumb as a box o'rocks



Less than a year ago (May 14, 2014) Cruz was still a Canadian citizen and had to have the Dallas Morning News bring it to his attention in August 2013!

Given that Cruz knew he was born in Calgary Alberta and the lengths to which the conservative "birthers" went to discredit Obama's citizenship, how could a man with a doctorate from Harvard Law School be so "clueless?"


New member
Less than a year ago (May 14, 2014) Cruz was still a Canadian citizen and had to have the Dallas Morning News bring it to his attention in August 2013!

Given that Cruz knew he was born in Calgary Alberta and the lengths to which the conservative "birthers" went to discredit Obama's citizenship, how could a man with a doctorate from Harvard Law School be so "clueless?"

Vote for Ted Cruz!
