Holick on BEL about CNN Attacking Him

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Holick on BEL about CNN Attacking Him

This is the show from Thursday February 17th, 2011.


* Update on the Babies from Jamey from Indiana: BEL friend Jamey Scott called in to update us on his twins who are being born with delayed interval delivery. Both babies are doing fine at this point but it is still too soon to make a long-term prognosis. Baby Aiden was born, is being weaned off his blood pressure medicine and he tolerated a blood transfusion without a problem, and his color is great! Baby Asher is still in mom's womb and he seems to be doing very well. Jamey's wife Kelly is on medication that makes her tired, but she’s doing nicely also. Jamey also took the time to tell Jo Scott, who is guest hosting for Bob, that he has been listening to Bob Enyart Live for many years. Years ago Jamey didn’t take a position on abortion, but through the ministry of BEL he has learned it is grave sin against God and against the child.

* Mark Holick Talks About CNN's Rachel Maddow Attacking His Ministry: Pastor Mark Holick of Spirit One Christian Ministry is one of the few pastors in the country today who are willing to take his theology to the streets and proclaim the Gospel of Christ. For years Mark has been at the abortion mills in Wichita, Kansas pleading for the lives of unborn children. Since the death of late-term abortionist George Tiller, Mark has been working diligently to keep Wichita abortion free. Local physician Mila Means had a family practice there but when her landlord found out that Dr. Means was planning to start committing abortions, he refused to let her remain in his building. She tried to move into a new facility but news of her shameful practice reached the owner and there too she has been denied access. Maddow is using her MSNBC show to slander Pastor Mark. Twice in the past week she has used extreme, over-the-top political rhetoric to smear Mark, calling him violent, and deceptively telling her viewers that Mark is calling for the murder of abortionists. Maddow announced yesterday that she is sending a production team to follow the activities in Wichita. Rachel Maddow wants to support Means so that once again babies will be torn apart in Wichita. Recently Pastor Mark has extended his outreach to the mosque in Wichita. He and twelve others including grandmas and grandpas were handing out the book of John and the book of Romans to the Muslims leaving the service. The police arrested Mark for blocking the 40-foot wide driveway leading into the mosque’s parking lot. He’s currently in a court battle fighting to remain on the public sidewalk outside the mosque.

* BEL's February Telethon to Keep Bob On the Air: So far we're at 90 folks! (of our goal of 100) giving $20 a month and $2,850 of $20,000! Please consider donating, pledging or subscribing to keep Bob Enyart Live on air for another year, on Denver's 50,000-watt AM 670 KLTT -- America's #1 most-powerful Christian radio station. In return, we pledge to use these funds to continue to reach more and more people around America and around the world with:
- the truth of God's existence
- the strongest evidence against evolution
- the moral clarity of God's Word
- the right strategy to re-criminalize child killing, and
- the mountain of evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

So please help BEL stay on the air for another year by giving whatever you can afford toward our goal of raising $20,000 or 100 people pledging $20 a month (including those who currently selflessly give to BEL who might increase their giving by $20)! You can give online, either a one-time donation, a monthly pledge, or subscribe to Bob's monthly Bible Studies, BEL Televised Classics, sermons, or topical videos.

* Saturday's Public Showing of Maafa 21 in Denver: Pastor Ron Fox will air Maafa 21 at their church, 1400 Birch Street, next Saturday, Feb. 19th, at 4 p.m. Please invite your friends and come on out to meet Pastor Bob and Pastor Ron at this important opportunity to encourage the believers at Berean Bible Church to rise up and help end the scourge of abortion in our land.

Today’s Resource: Now you can order Focus on the Strategy 3 as well as Focus on the Strategy 1 & 2 DVD combo containing the blockbuster analysis of pro-life and political strategy. Focus on the Strategy, advertised by other ministries as the DVD of the Century, is the blockbuster analysis of Christian political strategy, filmed before a live audience of 300 Christian activists revealing a presentation given to Focus on the Family to Dr. James Dobson's V.P. Tom Minnery and their Public Policy group. And the sequel, film festival finalist Focus on the Strategy II, with its dozens of video and audio clips which has extraordinary endorsements from many Christian leaders as the must see video for everyone who wants to end 'legalized' abortion. And now, Focus 3 presents American RTL's three-pronged strategy of how to end abortion! Please watch these vitally important videos online or order the above DVDs, and consider getting a set for a friend, for a pro-life leader or activist you know, and for your local pro-life organization!
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