Hillary wants to remove constitutional rights from Blind Americans.


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https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3130829-HRC-Paid-Speeches-Flags.html page:30
Hillary Clinton Opposed Blind People Having Right To Guns.

Well, I very much supported what my husband did when he was President, which was to ban assault weapons and large magazines. And it was a very contentious debate. Some of you may have followed it. But, it was part of a broader anti-crime initiative, including police on the streets and much more effort into community policing and the like. And I thought that it was a necessarily part of that. It was a law that is what we call in Washington it sunsetted. So it went out at the end of 10 years. And since then there has been a concerted effort by the gun lobby to basically end all restrictions on guns. And I don't think that's what is called for under the Constitution. I think that there are a number of sensible steps that can and should be taken. […] And one of the new claims that they're making is that blind people deserve to have their Constitutional rights, and deserve to have guns. And that you kind of think to yourself, that's almost beyond imagination. And it's pushing and pushing and pushing because there's no push back

typically dictator move, revoking the rights of physically handicapped people. maybe she she thinks physically mute people aren't entitled to free speech and expressions rights as well.


If Hillary were a dictator we'd be slammed into extreme socialism and political correctness would be the law.

By her very own quotes that is what she would do if she were given complete autonomy- she shouldn't even be in American politics.


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Hall of Fame

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


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Would you like to be present in the room with a blind person and a criminal and the blind person has the gun?

How about if the blind person lives alone and anyone other than them is an intruder should they not have the right to defend them self ?

The elitist are looking for EVERY opportunity to destroy the right of Americans to protect themselves.

The current administration is denying veterans who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan the right to own a gun or ammunition without the due process of law, because they MIGHT have PTSD, and even if they have PTSD their rights should not be revoked without the due process of law.

Do you know why they want to ban guns , because no one will get into the box cars willingly ?


New member
Can a blind person determine which you are and which the criminal is if you dont tell them?

if the blind had a Tactical knife instead of a gun, would you oppose the owning of a knife by a blind men as well.(a kitchen knife in this example would work as well but since were talking about a gun which is traditional used as a weapon might as well keep in the same category)


The current administration is denying veterans who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan the right to own a gun or ammunition without the due process of law, because they MIGHT have PTSD, and even if they have PTSD their rights should not be revoked without the due process of law.

Source please, other than perhaps Alex Jones.


New member
Source please, other than perhaps Alex Jones.
The nation’s largest veterans organization expressed concern to President Obama that his executive actions on gun control may keep former troops from seeking mental health treatment.

The American Legion issued a statement Wednesday urging Obama to protect the right to gun ownership for “law-abiding veterans,” and said the organization fears an "over-fix" that would bar any veteran from owning a weapon.

“The American Legion strongly believes that treatment for PTSD or depression by itself, which a number of wartime veterans experience, should not be the sole factor in denying a veteran the right to purchase a firearm,” said American Legion National Commander Dale Barnett.

Among the gun control measures announced by the White House on Monday by executive order are efforts to increase access to mental health treatment and improve the background check system for gun purchases.

Specific mental health care initiatives include:

Investing $500 million to improve access to mental health care nationwide.

Allowing the Social Security Administration to start notifying the background check system about beneficiaries who are barred by law from possessing a firearm for mental health reasons.

Removing barriers that prevent states from “reporting relevant information about people prohibited from possessing a gun for specific mental health reasons.”

Current law bars individuals from buying or possessing a gun if their mental health condition presents a danger to themselves or others or if they are unable to manage their own affairs.

Under the new orders, the Social Security Administration will report to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, NICS, the names of 75,000 people with documented mental health conditions who are unable to manage their benefits themselves or who have been found by a state or federal court to be legally incompetent.
The Health and Human Services Department also lifted restrictions that prohibited health providers from reporting information to NICS, allowing them to provide demographic and “other necessary information” to the system about individuals who are prohibited by law from possessing a gun.

Barnett said the Legion is apprehensive about some of these new requirements.

“Barring some additional circumstances that would indicate that a veteran represents a dangerous threat, veterans should not have to forfeit their Second Amendment rights,” Barnett said. "Veterans have fought to protect the constitutional rights of all Americans. The American Legion believes that the rights of these heroes deserve protection.”


New member
Source please, other than perhaps Alex Jones.

I have seen letters posted online in some the Marine Corp sites I belong sent to veterans by the Veteran Administration.

Google the info. there are a lot of articles written on this.