Hillary, a sick twisted demented hag

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
What is wrong with this witch!!

CHRISTMAS WISHES: Hillary Posts Holiday Message of Herself Inside the White House

Twice-failed presidential candidate and possible 2020 contender Hillary Clinton posted her annual Christmas message on social media Tuesday; wishing everyone a happy holiday season along a picture of herself inside the White House.

“Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today!” posted Clinton on social media; posing with former President Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
My God, this woman is mentally ill. She pretends she is in the White House this Christmas. What a sick twisted freak.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What is wrong with this witch!!

CHRISTMAS WISHES: Hillary Posts Holiday Message of Herself Inside the White House

Twice-failed presidential candidate and possible 2020 contender Hillary Clinton posted her annual Christmas message on social media Tuesday; wishing everyone a happy holiday season along a picture of herself inside the White House.

“Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating today!” posted Clinton on social media; posing with former President Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea.

Uh, oh-you are not a "devout" Catholic, with the above, and you need to go to the "Confessional," and recite say 666 "Our Father's," and 543 "Hail Mary's," to a Levitical the priest, and get that "Rosary" out, as, obviously, the Lord Jesus Christ's dying for all your sins, the gospel of Christ, per 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, is not good enough, is not "good news" to you. I'd suggest you tell Hillary to go to "Confession," also.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Uh, oh-you are not a "devout" Catholic, with the above......

Welcome to my Ignore List. I finally reached my limit of your Catholic bashing and your childish ignorance & stupidity. Let us know when you actually grow up and become an adult.

Well I agree Hillary is a hag. Does that mean I have to go a confession too. No--wait. I'm not Catholic. :chuckle:

If I post the weather forecast he would find a way to use it to bash Catholicism.

I almost pity the demon that is Hillary-posessed....


I pray to the Lord that she runs again in 2020

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Be careful what you wish for. Exit polls showed more Catholics voted for Obama the 2nd time around than the first. .....

I have long known that many, maybe even most, American Catholics are political idiots. But I am sure that Trump could beat Hillary again.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Welcome to my Ignore List.
Finally! Thanks! I was getting a bit "worried," not receiving this compliment from you, a Christ rejector, and perhaps was not offending you "enough," in marking your doctrine of demons, by preaching the cross of Christ, an offense to the lost, such as yourself, who rejects that Christ died for our sins, having forgiven all of our trespasses, making this "confessional" made up jazz, an affront to the cross, and resurrection.

Thanks again!

I finally reached my limit of your Catholic bashing and your childish ignorance & stupidity. Let us know when you actually grow up and become an adult.

Translation: A stock emotional blathering, sound byte, worn out cliche, and the pre-programmed" old reliable Catholic "Accusation of Hate Technique," that she litters on every thread.

You are beginning to bore us, RCO shill.

If I post the weather forecast he would find a way to use it to bash Catholicism.
You'd post the weather forecast, and if it was bad weather predicted, you'd get out your chanting beads, "The Rosary," and you'd pray to your "Our Lady of Perpetual Sun" to end the rain.


New member
:mock: Conservatives obsessed with Hillary Clinton

I wouldn't be surprised if Catholic Crusader has picture of Hillary hanging on his bedroom wall in his mom's trailer home.


If I post the weather forecast he would find a way to use it to bash Catholicism

A lot of this site is extremely self-righteous and vain in it's condemnations. Like anything that isn't pharisaic or 'dispensational' in nature is evil- probably the only place I've ever seen that is spiteful toward both Catholic AND Protestant ideology, which is just flat out stupid. Not even going to beat around the bush on that judgement; it's ridiculous.


I was thinking the same thing about your posts.

And what exactly have I posted that so extremely self-righteous?

Where I state that the bald condemning of abortion and trying to make laws prohibiting it is both futile and vain?
That's just reality. How's it worked for you so far?

Or, that refurbishing a wall is like a putting a band aid on a gaping wound?
That's just reality to. If you look past all the superficial rhetoric and realize it for what it is, you'd see that reality. The only way to fix the immigration problem is to do something about Mexico whatever that may be. You can't just shut off an entire continent.

Thre's nothing I've stated that is extremely self-righteous. It seems to me like a lot of you are just angry and find ways to make your contempt seem holy or fruitful. There's basically just a supreme lack of Christian spirit on here- something one would expect of a Christian site..