Nothing's working for you.
That's sad.
Wrong. There is nothing ‘sad’ about it at all because I don’t like this country, and intend to leave as soon as possible.
The forfeiture clause in V9/V10 is nothing short of due process according to the law of Jeremiah 18, which is the law of the Bible:-
Jeremiah 18:9-10
9 And the instant I speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it, 10 if it does evil in My sight so that it does not obey My voice, then I will relent concerning the good with which I said I would benefit it.
You need to come to terms with the fact that this country is unfit to be the Global centre of Christianity in light of what has happened; but there is nothing ‘sad’ about the divine will, which is intent on giving this honour to a different country instead.
Since God has forsaken your country and I have NO ALLEGIANCE with this country whatsoever.
There is nothing ‘sad’ about rejecting this country, which is in accordance with the divine will.
On the contrary, God’s purpose can only be glorious and triumphant, but there is nothing ‘sad’ about rejecting this country: Revelation 4:11.
However, by using propaganda it is simply your purpose to twist and distort all the facts for your own purpose, but I completely reject the premise that this is ‘sad’.
Sad for your country, perhaps; in view of its tarnished image and the massive political damage associated with not having Jesus as the Global centre of Christianity; but for Christ the end result can only be “Honour and power and glory to God in the highest”: Revelation 4:11.
The Global centre of Christianity cannot be this country, and there’s nothing you can do to change the end result: Isaiah 46:10.
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