Hermeneutics! Bible Study Tools
This is the show from Thursday April 16th, 2009.
* Hierarchy of 16 Hermeneutics: a hermeneutic is a tool for understanding the Bible. Proper hermeneutics are invaluable. At Bob Enyart's April 29th seminar in Denver's famous Brown Palace hotel, we'll study this prioritized list of hermeneutics:
God: existence, eternity, and entity (i.e., the Godhead)
His Story: the plot, or storyline, of the Bible (grasping the Bible's overview is the key to its details)
His Nature: living, personal, relational, good, and loving (includes J.O.N.A.H. & N.O.A.H.)
Christological: Christ-centered, the text is His Word (the work of the righteous, and hatred of the wicked)
[Here, the third hermeneutic, His Nature, now takes precedence over, and swaps places with, His Story]
Context prioritized: God's Nature; His Story; the dispensation; the book; chapter; paragraph; sentence
Literalness: Scripture presents a literal message, and contains figures of speech, symbols, parables, and poetry
Historical/Grammatical: method emphasizes original languages, cultural and historical setting
Covenantal vs. Dispensational Principle: Paul instructs students to "rightly divide the Word" 2 Tim 2:15
Prophetic: Speaking God's Word; also, predictive prophecy; and non-prophecy (predictive only in hindsight)
Sufficiency Principle: Scripture presents ample revelation on everything vital to our spirituality (accountability)
Spiritually Discerned: God gave His Word to the world to lead men to Christ, but much is written to His own
Typology: people, events, objects, rituals, etc. serve as symbols of Christ, salvation, heaven, etc.
Inerrancy: Not translators and scribes but the original autographs (like DNA) were breathed by the Holy Spirit
Numerology: numbers at times are symbolic: 3 for God, 6 for man, 12 for Israel, 40 for judgment, etc.
First-Mention: knowledge of good and evil leads to death; seed of the woman; justification by faith
Hebrew Parallelisms: poetry; couplets; alternation; inversions; story symmetry
* Register for Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics Seminar or Get the CD! Come on out at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday April 29th to Denver's Brown Palace to enjoy Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics seminar on Tools for Studying the Bible! Registration is only $30 for a person (anyone from the moment of the beginning of their biological life) and $50 for a couple (a man and woman that is ! If you can't attend, you can purchase the Hermeneutics seminar on CD for $34.99. Just call the BEL studio at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278)!
* Public School Warning: Keep Your Child Out Of School Tomorrow: On April 17, 2009 your local public school will be promoting homosexuality and inoculating your child against the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please consider keeping your student home from school on Friday April 17th, and use that day to search the Internet for information on Christian education and homeschooling! Let that day be the first day of the rest of your child's life!
Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
This is the show from Thursday April 16th, 2009.
* Hierarchy of 16 Hermeneutics: a hermeneutic is a tool for understanding the Bible. Proper hermeneutics are invaluable. At Bob Enyart's April 29th seminar in Denver's famous Brown Palace hotel, we'll study this prioritized list of hermeneutics:
God: existence, eternity, and entity (i.e., the Godhead)
His Story: the plot, or storyline, of the Bible (grasping the Bible's overview is the key to its details)
His Nature: living, personal, relational, good, and loving (includes J.O.N.A.H. & N.O.A.H.)
Christological: Christ-centered, the text is His Word (the work of the righteous, and hatred of the wicked)
[Here, the third hermeneutic, His Nature, now takes precedence over, and swaps places with, His Story]
Context prioritized: God's Nature; His Story; the dispensation; the book; chapter; paragraph; sentence
Literalness: Scripture presents a literal message, and contains figures of speech, symbols, parables, and poetry
Historical/Grammatical: method emphasizes original languages, cultural and historical setting
Covenantal vs. Dispensational Principle: Paul instructs students to "rightly divide the Word" 2 Tim 2:15
Prophetic: Speaking God's Word; also, predictive prophecy; and non-prophecy (predictive only in hindsight)
Sufficiency Principle: Scripture presents ample revelation on everything vital to our spirituality (accountability)
Spiritually Discerned: God gave His Word to the world to lead men to Christ, but much is written to His own
Typology: people, events, objects, rituals, etc. serve as symbols of Christ, salvation, heaven, etc.
Inerrancy: Not translators and scribes but the original autographs (like DNA) were breathed by the Holy Spirit
Numerology: numbers at times are symbolic: 3 for God, 6 for man, 12 for Israel, 40 for judgment, etc.
First-Mention: knowledge of good and evil leads to death; seed of the woman; justification by faith
Hebrew Parallelisms: poetry; couplets; alternation; inversions; story symmetry
* Register for Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics Seminar or Get the CD! Come on out at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday April 29th to Denver's Brown Palace to enjoy Bob Enyart's Hermeneutics seminar on Tools for Studying the Bible! Registration is only $30 for a person (anyone from the moment of the beginning of their biological life) and $50 for a couple (a man and woman that is ! If you can't attend, you can purchase the Hermeneutics seminar on CD for $34.99. Just call the BEL studio at 1-800-8Enyart (836-9278)!
* Public School Warning: Keep Your Child Out Of School Tomorrow: On April 17, 2009 your local public school will be promoting homosexuality and inoculating your child against the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please consider keeping your student home from school on Friday April 17th, and use that day to search the Internet for information on Christian education and homeschooling! Let that day be the first day of the rest of your child's life!
Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!