ECT Hebrews ranks angels, priesthoods, covenants


Well-known member
The letter to Hebrews ranks several things dear to Judaism.

1, the angels are inferior to Christ. This is important to Judaism because the law was administered by angels.

In 'Little Asia' a neo-Judaist belief cropped up in which certain people claimed to have spoken to the same angels who administered the law. That group 'discounted' or 'discredited' Christian believers, says Col 2:8 (the NIV's 'decieve' is not the idea of 'eklogizomai').

The message from God through Christ trumps what came through angels, says Heb 1.

2, the eternal priesthood of the new covenant supercedes Aaron's priesthood. This is the 2nd of three rankings in Hebrews, explained at length.

3, finally the new covenant which is eternal is better than the old because the old is a reminder of sins. There is nothing mysterious about any of this, it is just not what Judaism wanted to hear, nor D'ism.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Why hadn't the Hebrews received the promise yet, and had not entered rest yet?
Why were they not yet partakers of Christ?


Well-known member
I accidentally saw STPs remarks from another platform. He has no familiarity with what Hebrews is saying or what the options are for 'after those days...'.

My pet mini goats wander around their acre of orchard grass bleating all morning as though the only thing on my mind was their next helping of Goat Mix. D'ists remind me of this, expecting everything to beam with a restored land of Israel and another episode of Judaism, everywhere in the NT.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I accidentally saw STPs remarks from another platform. He has no familiarity with what Hebrews is saying or what the options are for 'after those days...'.

Explain it to us. Quote scripture. Line upon line, precept upon precept. Put together coherent logical thoughts.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
D'ists remind me of this, expecting everything to beam with a restored land of Israel and another episode of Judaism, everywhere in the NT.

On the contrary, we know that the NT is about the city and the heavens, while not wiping out the land promises of the past. In short, we believe God and his Word.


New member
He saw my post "On another platform". Is that like a bandstand? I don't like spiders, neither does Gomer.

lol - kind of a late admission on his part, being that he has always been seeing things from within "another platform...which is not another" :chuckle:

Rom. 5:8

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
My pet mini goats wander around their acre of orchard grass bleating all morning as though the only thing on my mind was their next helping of Goat Mix. D'ists remind me of this, expecting everything to beam with a restored land of Israel and another episode of Judaism, everywhere in the NT.

Speaking of goats, which one "taketh away the sins"?


Well-known member
I don't see anything contradicting the comments made on these three repeated features of Hebrews showing Christ superior to angels, priesthoods and covenants. It is the clearest thing. All sinners enjoy the new covenant not only in how it forgives and wipes away sin but in how it motivates to glorify God with our lives.


New member
I would add that no angel who is delivering a message from God would ever contradict Christ. Granted, there are fallen angels, but their messages would be contradictory to God/Christ. (Which is my analysis of how Islam began; a demon appeared claiming to be Gabriel and told Mohammad that he was the true prophet of God, yada yada)

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Well-known member
It's not a matter of contradicting Christ in a demonic sense. The angels Hebrews is referring to had the God-approved task of conveying the law, which was a shadow of the Reality. It was always known that it would be superceded one day: 'make sure you follow the copy exactly.' It was always known that it was a copy. Colossians, Galatians and hebrews make it clear that Christ was the reality that was to come. There would not be a 2nd round of such Judaism once Christ came.

But it had to be explained to those in Judaism that the message/teaching through Christ was superior to one given through angels.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by Interplanner View Post

All sinners enjoy the new covenant not only in how it forgives and wipes away sin but in how it motivates to glorify God with our lives.

Still made up...


Well-known member
2 weeks ago I started a thread on why 'better' was used to describe the NC we now enjoy. Your club succeeded in derailing it into 4 other subjects.

I thought you might get it by seeing it this way: that the 'better' of the NC was like the superior or higher of angels, priesthoods.

It turns out you don't get what Hebrews is saying and sound like you've never heard of these rankings.

No wonder you don't know why we (as sinners justified by faith) enjoy the NC now and what 'better' meant in Heb 8-10.

None of you ever answered that simplest of question directly. You posted cartoons and jokes about old TV shows and goats.


New member
2 weeks ago I started a thread on why 'better' was used to describe the NC we now enjoy. Your club succeeded in derailing it into 4 other subjects.

I thought you might get it by seeing it this way: that the 'better' of the NC was like the superior or higher of angels, priesthoods.

It turns out you don't get what Hebrews is saying and sound like you've never heard of these rankings.

No wonder you don't know why we (as sinners justified by faith) enjoy the NC now and what 'better' meant in Heb 8-10.

None of you ever answered that simplest of question directly. You posted cartoons and jokes about old TV shows and goats.

Again, where does this "back on ignore, STP" of yours actually kick in?


Rom. 5:8


Well-known member
If your response truly is directly about the question, and worthwhile, maybe someone will copy it. Most of your club changes the topic to that phantom list of commentaries I supposedly still read, which is actually the list of D'ist commentaries I know longer read.