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The new covenant in Hebrews 9 is:
>present tense
>deals with sin/justification from sin
>says nothing about a separate restoration of Israel as a nation.
The new covenant was Christ's performance that Israel failed to do. 'Sacrifices and offerings, you did not desire, but a body you have prepared.'--this was the 2nd party of this event explaining his role in it. Back in Isaiah, the Father had said of the Servant: 'I have made you a covenant for the nations...' That's it. If you can't see this taking shape in Hebrews 9, it's pretty hopeless.
The "club" is flat wrong in denying these. They claim to be champions of plain meaning, yet every time they get near Heb 9:
>They deny it is present tense by postponing it to the millenium. They are constantly saying it is not now--applicable now.
>they are so concerned with land promises that they don't exult in the victory over sin and guilt here
>they "see" (imagine) all kinds of reference to a separate restoration in Israel. Separate = Christians in heaven, Jews is Judea. There is one item back in the quote from Jer that shows the joining of Israel and Judah but this is far from a total land separation, which is debunked by the rest of Hebrews. Equally disturbing is the blatant rejection of any other ref to the new covenant in the synoptics or I Cor 11.
>present tense
>deals with sin/justification from sin
>says nothing about a separate restoration of Israel as a nation.
The new covenant was Christ's performance that Israel failed to do. 'Sacrifices and offerings, you did not desire, but a body you have prepared.'--this was the 2nd party of this event explaining his role in it. Back in Isaiah, the Father had said of the Servant: 'I have made you a covenant for the nations...' That's it. If you can't see this taking shape in Hebrews 9, it's pretty hopeless.
The "club" is flat wrong in denying these. They claim to be champions of plain meaning, yet every time they get near Heb 9:
>They deny it is present tense by postponing it to the millenium. They are constantly saying it is not now--applicable now.
>they are so concerned with land promises that they don't exult in the victory over sin and guilt here
>they "see" (imagine) all kinds of reference to a separate restoration in Israel. Separate = Christians in heaven, Jews is Judea. There is one item back in the quote from Jer that shows the joining of Israel and Judah but this is far from a total land separation, which is debunked by the rest of Hebrews. Equally disturbing is the blatant rejection of any other ref to the new covenant in the synoptics or I Cor 11.