Does your like mean you have read him?I ask because of his statements on despotism.
Long long long ago when I studied philosophy in college.Does your like mean you have read him?
Long long long ago when I studied philosophy in college.
I was never a fan of the French philosophers.
I might enjoy giving it a second look.It's been over forty years and I'm a very different person than I was.I think you might change your mind if you look again at what Montesquieu has to say in The Spirit of Laws. Admittedly I'm only into the book a few chapters, but so far he sounds more like a Christian than anything else. In chapter 1 he starts off by saying that anyone who asserts that creation came from a blind fatality, i.e. chance. is speaking absurdly. He says that God is our creator and that is completely against logic to come to any other conclusion. He backs that up with very sound reasoning.
What I have found is that modern secularists who write about writers such as Montesquiue often completely distort what they say.